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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________


Photos by: ShutterBatte Photography

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________


County of Lunenburg

Tracy Gee, County Administrator Edward W. Pennington, Board of Supervisors, Planning Commissioner

James Tharpe, Lunenburg County, Planning Commissioner Gail Gregoric, Lunenburg County, County Representative

Frank Rennie, Lunenburg County, Attorney

Town of Kenbridge

Robyn Fowler, Town Manager D. Ken Blackburn, Planning Commissioner

Eileen Duffy, Planning Commissioner

Town of Victoria

Rodney Newton, Town Manager Ronald Mattox, Council Member, Planning Commissioner

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________


BOARD OF SUPERVISORS T. Wayne Hoover J. Mike Hankins

Dr. Frank W. Bacon Charles R. Slayton

Edward W. Pennington Alvester L. Edmonds

Robert G. Zava





SHERIFF Arthur Townsend

PLANNING COMMISSION James C. Tharpe, Jr., Chairman

James A. Dayton Claudia Daniels

Walter Thompson Tony Trent

Brenda Jennings Cecil Shell

Edward Pennington (Board of Supervisors Representative)

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________


TOWN COUNCIL Emory M. Hodges Michael R. Bender D. Ken Blackburn Catherine A. Gilley

Raymond E. Hite, Jr. Wanda G. Morrison Daniel G. Thompson

TOWN MAYOR Emory M. Hodges




Raymond E. Hite Jr

FIRE CHIEF Richard W Harris


Lee Smyth Steven Schumaker

Ferrell Alder Eileen Duffy

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________


TOWN COUNCIL Carol R. Watson

Johnnie W. Brame James G. “Greg” Elam

Ronald Mattox Sandra Jones

Christopher T. Garrett Chris Gill

TOWN MAYOR Carol R. Watson

TOWN MANAGER Rodney Newton

TOWN ATTORNEY Robert Clement

POLICE CHIEF H. Keith Phillips

FIRE CHIEF Rodney Newton

PLANNING COMMISSION Ronald Mattox J. B. Crenshaw

Raymond Holiday Ellen Neal

Robert W. Williams, III

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________

Executive Summary

All sections of the previous Plan were reviewed by the Joint Working Committee. Notable updates from the previous 2006-2011 Lunenburg /Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan include the following:

Methods for Identifying Issues: This is the first time the County and Towns have utilized Online Surveys to assist in gathering citizen input. Citizens were supplied written surveys, as well as links to online surveys to gather input. Page 11 Amending the Plan: A new section was added to address amending the current plan. Page 13 Education - Accreditation Status: The Virginia Board of Education has revised its accreditation standard to provide a more comprehensive view of school quality. The School Accreditation ratings included in the Joint Comprehensive Plan reflect this new approach to accountability. Page 33 Commutation Patterns: Previously, Commutation data was supplied by the U.S. Census. Data (including mapping) included in the Joint Comprehensive Plan was supplied by the Longwood Small Business Development Center utilizing JobsEQ. Previously, commutation patterns focused on how far residents drove to work. New commutation data focuses on where citizens of Lunenburg work (localities) and also where citizens who work in Lunenburg live (localities). Page 36 Major Employers: The Joint Working Committee utilized staff resources at the Lunenburg County Administrators office, Kenbridge Town office and Victoria Town office to produce the 20 Largest Employers listing instead of utilizing state data resources. Data was gathered locally and is based on 2017 current conditions. Page 42 Transportation: The Code of Virginia requires that prior to the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan the locality submit the transportation section to VDOT for review and comment. VDOT reviewed the transportation section and provided comment prior to finalizing the Plan. Page 51 Community Facilities and Services: This section included updates such as new facilities have moved into the County/Towns (physicians, dentists, etc.). Also, new language regarding Telecommunications & Broadband services was added, as this section was rewritten to accommodate changing technology. Mapping was also provided to display electrical service in the County and Towns. Page 87 Land Use: New mapping was added to display current land use including enterprise zones, and the locations of major industry in the County and Towns. A generalized Zoning Map was also developed and added to the Plan. Page 106 Special Policy Areas: This section was revamped, keeping in mind public input and also editing sections that no longer were pertinent to county/town issues. A new special policy area was added to address Solar Facilities. Page 115 Goals, Objectives, and Strategies: As always is the case, the section was reviewed and updated to bring in line goals that have been met and also setting new objectives and strategies. Also, a new Implementation Chart was added to track goals as they are implemented. Page 122

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________


I. Introduction ................................................................................................ 1

A. The Purpose and Legal Basis of a Comprehensive Plan ............................................. 2 B. Updating the Joint Comprehensive Plan for the County of Lunenburg/Town of

Kenbridge/Town of Victoria .................................................................................... 3 C. Process for Plan Development and Adoption ............................................................ 4 D. Methods of Identifying Issues ................................................................................. 11 E. Amending the Plan ................................................................................................ 13

II. Select Demographics .................................................................................. 14

A. Regional Setting and History ................................................................................... 15 B. Population............................................................................................................. 19 C. Education.............................................................................................................. 30 D. Income ................................................................................................................. 34 E. Commutation Patterns ........................................................................................... 36 F. Employment/Underemployment .............................................................................. 37

III. Inventory Analysis: Community Resources and Trends ............................. 44

A. Housing ................................................................................................................. 45 B. Transportation ....................................................................................................... 51 C. Natural, Scenic and Historic Resources ..................................................................... 73 D. Community Facilities and Services ............................................................................ 87

IV. Land Use ....................................................................................................... 106

A. Land Use and Development Patterns ........................................................................ 107 B. Future Land Use ..................................................................................................... 111

V. Special Policy Areas ...................................................................................... 115

VI. Goals and Objectives..................................................................................... 122

A. Implementation ............................................................................................ 135

VII. Capital Improvement Program ..................................................................... 136

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________


Table Page # Table I Past Population Trends, County of Lunenburg .............................................................................20

Table II Past Populations, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County, Region and State ..........................................................................................21

Table III Births and Deaths, Lunenburg County .........................................................................................21

Table IV

Population Gender Characteristics, Lunenburg County ..................................................................22

Table V Age Characteristics, Lunenburg County .......................................................................................23

Table VI Age Characteristics, Town of Kenbridge ......................................................................................24

Table VII Age Characteristics, Town of Victoria ..........................................................................................25

Table VIII Racial Characteristics, Lunenburg County ....................................................................................26

Table IX Racial Characteristics, Town of Kenbridge ...................................................................................26

Table X Racial Characteristics, Town of Victoria .......................................................................................27

Table XI Population Estimates, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County and Region ...................................................................................................27

Table XII Population Projections, Lunenburg County...................................................................................29

Table XIII Educational Attainment, Population 25 Years and Over, Lunenburg County ....................................................................................................................30

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________

Table XIV Educational Attainment, Population 25 Years and Over, Town of Kenbridge ...................................31

Table XV Educational Attainment, Population 25 Years and Over, Town of Victoria .......................................31

Table XVI Lunenburg County Public Schools, 2018-2019 Accreditation Status ................................................33

Table XVII Lunenburg County Education Data, 2014-2015 ............................................................................34

Table XVIII Per Capita Income, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County, Region and State ..........................................................................................................34

Table XIX Median Family Income, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County, Region and State ..........................................................................................35

Table XX Median Household Income, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County, Region and State ..........................................................................................35

Table XXI Percentage of Persons Below Poverty Level, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County, Region and State ................................................................36

Table XXII Business and Industrial Employment of Employed Civilian Population 16 Years and Over, Lunenburg County Residents .........................................................................38

Table XXIII Business and Industrial Employment of Employed Civilian Population 16 Years and Over, Town of Kenbridge Residents ........................................................................39

Table XXIV Business and Industrial Employment of Employed Civilian Population 16 Years and Over, Town of Victoria Residents ............................................................................40

Table XXV Occupations of Employed Civilian Population 16 Years of Age and Older, Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge, and Town of Victoria Residents ........................................41

Table XXVI Lunenburg County Largest Employers .........................................................................................42

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Table XXVII Annual Average Unemployment Rates, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County, Region and State .............................................................................43

Table XXVIII Housing Unit Characteristics, Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria .......................................................................................................................46

Table XXIX Housing Units, Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge and Town of Victoria ..................................47

Table XXX Housing Unit Characteristics, Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge and Town of Victoria ..................................................................................................47

Table XXXI Contract Rent, Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge and Town of Victoria ..................................48

Table XXXII Units in Structure, Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge and Town of Victoria .............................48

Table XXXIII Housing Unit Characteristics-Occupancy Status, Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge and Town of Victoria .....................................................................................49

Table XXXIV Selected Measures of Deficient Housing Conditions, Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge and Town of Victoria .....................................................................................50

Table XXXV Climate Summary, Lunenburg County .........................................................................................81

Table XXXVI Precipitation, Lunenburg County .................................................................................................81

Table XXXVII Humidity Levels, Lunenburg County ............................................................................................82

Table XXXVIII Average Hourly Temperature, Lunenburg County .........................................................................82

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Lunenburg County Survey Summary .............................................................................. APPENDIX A

Community Meeting Summary Report ............................................................................ APPENDIX B Hearing Notices and Press Releases ............................................................................... APPENDIX C

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________

Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors

Mission Statement

The mission of the Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors shall be: To secure and promote the safety, education, economy, health and general welfare of the citizens of Lunenburg County through focused leadership and innovative adjustment to change.

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________

Kenbridge Town Council

Mission Statement The mission of the Kenbridge Town Council shall be: To provide the citizens of Kenbridge a positive and rewarding lifestyle in which they can live, work and raise families in a safe, progressive and friendly small-town atmosphere.

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________

Victoria Town Council

Mission Statement

The mission of the Victoria Town Council shall be: To provide a safe and secure environment for all of the citizens of Victoria and to instill a sense of pride to both young and old linking our past railroad heritage to our future.

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Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 ___________________________________________________________________________

Page 1

Chapter I Introduction

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Page 2

I. Introduction

A. The Purpose and Legal Basis of a Comprehensive Plan

The Joint Comprehensive Plan for the County of Lunenburg and its two (2) towns, Kenbridge and Victoria, is an official public document that outlines the desired physical, social and economic development through 2024. It is an assessment of Lunenburg County, which includes the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria, their resources, people, finances, natural features, housing and public facilities. Additionally, it assesses the needs of these areas and presents a strategy whereby those resources are managed effectively in order to satisfy identified needs. The Joint Plan is not a fixed blueprint for future development, but rather a guide in the decision-making process and should be used accordingly.

Authority to plan is based on the police power of the State, which in Virginia is delegated to the localities. Planning for a particular locality is accomplished through a local planning commission, which is composed of citizens appointed by the governing body to serve in an advisory capacity to the governing body. However, it is the duty of the governing body to officially adopt and implement the plan. Methods of implementation may include zoning, subdivision control, capital improvements program and official mapping. This plan is therefore submitted to the citizens in partial fulfillment of the mandate in the Code of Virginia, Section 15.2-2223.

There are several fundamental reasons for a locality to prepare and implement a Comprehensive Plan. These include:

• To forecast and prepare for future changes in the community. These may include

changes such as population size, employment base, environmental quality and the demand for public services and facilities.

• To identify the concerns, needs and aspirations of local citizens for the quality of life in

the community and use these to set clear goals for the future.

• To establish policies or courses of action needed to achieve determined goals and protect the public health, safety and welfare of local residents.

• To conform to the State of Virginia’s requirements that every local government adopt

and maintain a Comprehensive Plan.

Section 15.2-2223 of the Code of Virginia requires that every governing body in the Commonwealth adopt a Comprehensive Plan for the territory under its jurisdiction by July 1, 1980. Section 15.2.2230 requires the local Planning Commission to review that plan at least once every five years.

Section 15.2-2200 of the Code of Virginia establishes the legislative intent of planning and zoning enabling authority. In summary, the State’s intent is to encourage local governments to:

• Improve the public health, safety, convenience and welfare of the citizens

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• Plan for future development with adequate highway, health, recreational and other facilities.

• Recognize the needs of agriculture, industry and business in future growth.

• Preserve agricultural and forest land.

• Provide a healthy surrounding for family life in residential areas.

• Provide consonant community growth with the efficient use of public funds.

Section 15.2-2223 specifically states that “the comprehensive plan shall be made with the purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the territory which will, in accordance with present and probable future needs and resources, best promote the health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare of the inhabitants, including the elderly and persons with disabilities.”

It further states that the Comprehensive Plan shall be general in nature in that it shall:

• Designate the general or approximate location, character, and extent of features shown on the plan, including where existing lands or facilities are proposed to be extended, removed or changed;

• Show the long-range recommendations for the general development of the territory

and may include such items as the designation of areas for different kinds of public and private land use, a system of transportation facilities, a system of community service facilities, historical areas, and areas for the implementation of groundwater protection measures.

In Virginia, the local Comprehensive Plan is a guide for the governing body to follow in making both long-range and day-to-day decisions regarding all aspects of community development. The governing body can exercise discretion in how strictly it interprets and follows the plan.

However, the Code provides that the construction, extension or change in use of streets or other public facilities be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission as to whether the general location, character and extent of the proposed facility is in substantial accord with the adopted Comprehensive Plan. The Plan, therefore, has great control over the construction of public facilities and utilities, as well as private land uses.

B. Updating the Joint Comprehensive Plan for Lunenburg County/ Town of Kenbridge/Town of Victoria

The Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors adopted Lunenburg County’s original Comprehensive Plan in June of 1975. The Plan was re-adopted without any apparent change on May 13, 1988, and again re-adopted without change on March 10, 1999.

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Previously the Town of Kenbridge had a separate Comprehensive Plan that was adopted in April of 1974. The Town of Victoria also had a separate Comprehensive Plan that was adopted in August of 1982. Due to substantial changes in land use and economic development, the County in 2003 determined that it needed updated and detailed policies for guiding development and that it was an appropriate time to update, modify and expand upon the policies of the current Comprehensive Plan. Because the Towns were in need of an update also, they considered the possibility of developing a Joint Plan with the County. Virginia law requires that all cities, towns and counties have local planning commissions and that they create and maintain Comprehensive Plans. Specifically, the Code of Virginia Section 15.2-2231 provides for the inclusion of incorporated towns in a county comprehensive plan.

A Joint Comprehensive Plan approach offered significant advantages to the three (3) localities, most notably; the requirement of three plans is replaced by one plan. This plan saved a substantial amount of time and money with the added advantage of having a complete coordinated and integrated planning effort covering the entire county and its two (2) incorporated towns.

Thus, the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria agreed by contract to undertake a joint planning process that reached out to the county and town’s residents for input in formulating long-term goals and developing a set of detailed policies for achieving those goals. This new Joint Comprehensive Plan was adopted in November 2006.

In December of 2016, the County of Lunenburg, and the Towns of Kenbridge and Victoria contracted with the Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC) for technical assistance to update the Lunenburg/ Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan.

C. Process for Plan Development and Adoption

The Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC), assisted the joint Lunenburg/Victoria/Kenbridge working committee in updating the Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan in seven phases. These seven phases are as follows:

Phase I: Introduction: Purpose and Legal Basis of a Comprehensive Plan

Developing a New Comprehensive Plan for Lunenburg County/Town of Kenbridge/Town of Victoria Process for Plan Development and Adoption Overview of Methods for Identifying Issues

Inventory and Analysis: Demographics: Regional Setting & History Population Introduction Past Population Trends Population Density

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Page 5

Distribution of Population Population Change Factors Population Estimates Population Projections Age and Sex Characteristics Racial Characteristics Education Income Introduction Per Capita Income Poverty/Low-To-Moderate Income Median Family Income Median Household Income Wages Median Adjusted Gross Income for Married Couple Tax Returns Commutation Patterns Employment/Unemployment Occupations Major Employers Unemployment

Economic Activity Agriculture Agriculture Sales

Forestry Value of Forestry Products

Manufacturing Manufacturing – Mining

Other Manufacturing Retail and Wholesale Trade Service Industry Phase II: Inventory and Analysis: Community Resources Housing Introduction Housing Units Housing Growth (Building Permits Issued) Housing Quality Rental Characteristics Owner Occupied Housing Values Housing Deficiency Characteristics Governmental Policies Future Housing Needs

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Page 6

Transportation Introduction Highways and Roadways Maintenance Highway Functional Classification Plan

Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation Plans for Road Improvements Traffic Volumes Future Traffic Projections Capacity Analysis (Levels of Service) Safety Transportation Issues Bridges and Large Culvert Conditions Public Transportation Rail Service Motor Freight Carriers Airports Other (Bike, Waterways, Pedestrian)

Community Facilities and Services Introduction Administrative Facilities Education Facilities Industrial Park/Shell Building Healthcare Facilities Nursing Homes Libraries Museums Arts Center/Community Center

Conference Center Religious Facilities

Water Service Sewer Service

Natural Gas/Fuel Sources Solid Waste Collection/Landfill

Law Enforcement and Public Safety Social Services Fire Department Rescue Squad Communications Electric Services/Power Plants Telecommunications Recreation Civic Organizations Festivals/Community Events Commerce Historical Sites Introduction

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Page 7

Local Historical Sites Regional Historic Initiatives Natural Resources Land Surface Climate Drainage Rivers

Watershed Dams Soils

Ground Water Mineral Resources Forests Phase III: Land Use Lunenburg County Land Use Plan Introduction Current Land Use Current Land Use Categories Future Land Use Future Land Use Categories

Town of Kenbridge Land Use Plan Introduction Current Land Use Current Land Use Categories Future Land Use Future Land Use Categories Town of Victoria Land Use Plan Introduction Current Land Use Current Land Use Categories Future Land Use Future Land Use Categories Phase IV: Special Policy Areas Goals, Objectives and Strategies Implementation Plan

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Phase V: Executive Summary Phase VI: Public Hearing (County and Town Planning Commissions) Recommendation for Adoption to Governing Body (County and Town Planning Commission) Phase VII: Public Hearing (County Board of Supervisors and Town Councils) Adoption (County Board of Supervisors and Town Councils) The following section summarizes the process that was undertaken by the Joint Planning Commissions for the development of the Joint Comprehensive Plan and final adoption by the County of Lunenburg Board of Supervisors, the Kenbridge Town Council and the Victoria Town Council. For a more detailed review of the process methods, please refer to the Appendix materials.

DATE MEETING DESCRIPTION January 19, 2017 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Kick-Off Meeting – Committee Review of Local

Planning Legislation per the Code of Virginia, Comprehensive Planning Process, Phases of Update, Tentative Schedule, and questions/input from Committee Members.

February 16, 2017 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Discussions on County/Town Committee Survey Instrument, methods of distribution, and timetable. (Note: CRC will assist in the

development of the survey instrument)

March 9, 2017 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Finalize County/Town Committee Survey Instrument and

methods of distribution/ timetable (Note: County/

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Towns will undertake distribution, tabulations and development of Survey Summary Report).

April 13, 2017 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Present DRAFT Phase I

Committee Update; Discuss draft and make recommendations. Status Report on Citizen Surveys (County and Towns)

May 16, 2017 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Follow-up per Committee recommendations of

Draft Phase I. Status Report on Citizen Surveys (County and Towns)

August 10, 2017 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Present Phase II Update. Committee Discuss draft and make recommendations.

Status Report on Citizen Surveys (County and Towns)

October 10, 2017 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Follow-up per Committee recommendation of

Draft Phase II. December 7, 2017 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working County/Town present

Community SurveySummary Report. Discuss Community Meetings: Location, Agenda, Advertisem*nt, etc.

(Note: Survey Results were not Available until the

December meeting.)

January 30,2018 County Community Meeting County Community Meeting (Issues and Land Use) February 22, 2018 Town Community Meeting Town of Victoria Community Meeting (Issues and Land Use) February 27, 2018 Town Community Meeting Town of Kenbridge Community Meeting

(Issues and Land Use)

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April 26, 2018 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Present Community Committee Meetings Summary Report. Begin discussions on DRAFT Phase III Update; Discuss draft and make recommendations. June 28, 2018 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Follow-up per June

Committee recommendation of Draft Phase III Update (Land Use). Discussions per Phase IV Joint meeting with Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission and Joint

Meeting Town Council/ Planning Commission. August 9, 2018 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Overview of Phase I thru Committee Phase III. Begin joint discussions on Phase III (Land Use) and Phase IV (Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Implementation Plan) September 24, 2018 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Final joint discussion per Committee (Land Use) and Phase IV (Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Implementation Plan) and make a recommendation. November 8, 2018 Joint BOS/ Town Councils/Planning Overview of Phase I thru Commissions Work Session Phase III. Joint discussion on Phase III (Land Use) and Phase IV (Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Implementation Plan) and make recommendation. December 13, 2018 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Complimentary review all

Committee DRAFT Updated Sections of Plan and discuss layout for

Executive Summary (Phase V) January 10, 2019 Joint Comprehensive Plan Working Present DRAFT Plan Committee (entirety) and schedule Joint

Public Hearing

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January 2019 County/Towns Joint Planning Joint Public Hearing on Commission Meeting DRAFT Plan (entirety) and make recommendation by way of Resolution to respective Board of Supervisors or respective Town Council (Phase VI) February 2019 Lunenburg County Board of County Planning Supervisors Commission presents Final DRAFT Plan/Executive Summary. BOS holds a Public Hearing (Phase VII). Adoption Scheduled February 2019 Victoria Town Council Planning Commission presents Final DRAFT Plan/Executive Summary.

Town Council holds a Public Hearing (Phase VII). Adoption Scheduled

February 2019 Kenbridge Town Council Planning Commission presents Final DRAFT Plan/Executive Summary. Town Council holds a

Public Hearing (Phase VII). Adoption Scheduled.

D. Methods of Identifying Issues

A range of issues, now and in the future facing the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria has been identified. Review and analysis of these issues by the public, the Planning Commissions and the Board of Supervisors/Town Councils provided the basis for establishing the County/Towns planning goals and policies for this Joint Comprehensive Plan. For a more detailed review of all the input received from the issue identification methods, please refer to the Appendix materials.

The major issues outlined in this Plan were identified through four methods: 1. Survey of citizen opinion- The County and Towns distributed citizen opinion questionnaire surveys at various locations in the two (2) Towns and Lunenburg County during the months of June, July and August 2017. Responses were also accepted through an online portal utilizing Qualtrics Survey Software. The deadline for submission was August 31, 2017. A total of 320 surveys, were completed and returned by residents. This response rate is considered exceptional given the size of the community.

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The returned survey results were tallied by the Lunenburg County Extension Agency and reviewed by the Joint Working Committee. The Lunenburg County Survey Summary is included in the Comprehensive Plan in Appendix A. 1. Written survey of citizen opinion- The County and Towns distributed approximately 400 citizen opinion questionnaire surveys within various locations of the two (2) Towns and Lunenburg County during the months of June, July and August 2017. The deadline for submission was August 31, 2017. A total of 320, or 80 percent, were completed and returned by residents. This response rate is considered exceptional given the size of the community. These questionnaire distribution locations included the following:

• Lunenburg County Administrator’s Office • Kenbridge Town Office • Victoria Town Office

The returned survey forms have been tallied by the Lunenburg County Extension Agency and reviewed by the County and the two (2) Towns. The Commonwealth Regional Council staff included the survey information into the Comprehensive Plan, which is presented in Appendix A. 2. Community Meetings- On January 30, 2018 Lunenburg County held a public community meeting at the Lunenburg Central High School Auditorium; on February 22, 2018 the Town of Victoria held a public community meeting at the Victoria Library; and on February 27, 2018 the Town of Kenbridge held a public community meeting at the Town’s Auditorium. These meetings were advertised in The Kenbridge – Victoria Dispatch. Flyers were sent out to families by the local school students and posted throughout the County and Towns inviting all citizens to attend. These meetings provided further opportunity for citizens to offer their opinions regarding issues and priorities for the Joint Comprehensive Plan to create a vision for the future of Lunenburg County and its two (2) incorporated Towns. A combined total of approximately 84 citizens attended these meetings. These meetings provided useful input for developing the Joint Comprehensive Plan. 3. Research and analysis of available technical data - The Commonwealth Regional Council staff collected and analyzed data on a range of aspects on Lunenburg County, and the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria. These analyzed elements included land use patterns, environmental features, transportation conditions, population growth trends and capital facility needs. Much of this information is contained in this Joint Plan and has helped to further enhance the understanding of many of the issues identified by local citizens during the other efforts described above. 4. Discussion with the Working Committee- The Joint Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Comprehensive Plan Working Committee held twelve work sessions from January 2017 through February 2019. During these meetings, the Joint Working Committee reviewed citizen input along with technical information and contributed its own analysis of the issues presented.

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E. Amending the Plan Any amendment to this plan shall be administered in accordance with Va. Code §15.2-2229. Any amendment proposed by less than all of the three localities, shall be the responsibility of the proponents to submit and obtain approval from the other localities.

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Chapter II Select Demographics

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II. Select Demographics A. Regional Setting and History Location and Size of Lunenburg County

The County of Lunenburg is located in the south-central Piedmont region of Virginia. The county is bounded by the Nottoway River to the north, the Meherrin River to the south, Brunswick County to the east, and Charlotte County to the west. Lunenburg County is approximately 65 miles southwest from the City of Richmond; 130 miles west from the City of Norfolk; and 96 miles from Raleigh, North Carolina.

The County of Lunenburg is rural in character, covering an area of 432 square miles, with sparsely developed residences, community businesses and churches, interspersed in a gently rolling, central piedmont landscape. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the total population is 12,914. There are two (2) incorporated Towns located within the Lunenburg County border – the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

Location and Size of Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria

The Town of Kenbridge is located in the northeastern portion of Lunenburg County. The Town of Kenbridge is located 47 miles southwest of Petersburg and 43 miles northwest of Emporia at the intersection of State Routes 40 and 137. The Town of Kenbridge covers an area of 2.04 square miles. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the total population is 1,257 or almost 10 percent of the total Lunenburg County population.

The Town of Victoria is located in the north central portion of Lunenburg County. The Town of Victoria covers an area of 2.86 square miles. The Town of Victoria is 65 miles southwest of the capital city of Richmond. State Primary Routes 40 and 49 intersect at the Town of Victoria. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the total population is 1,725 or 13 percent of the total Lunenburg County population. Creation of the County and Towns

Lunenburg County originally was part of Brunswick County, which was established during the reign of George II of England. Among his numerous titles was Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg (this spelling is correct). When this territory was divided, one section became Brunswick County and the other Luneburg, later Anglicized to Lunenburg.

Lunenburg County is proudly and historically known as the “Mother of Counties.” After being formed from Brunswick on May 1, 1746, Lunenburg went on to provide territory for the formation of nine other counties after 1752 – including Charlotte, Patrick and Henry – hence, the “Mother of Counties.” The first Lunenburg Courthouse was located in what is now Mecklenburg County. See maps of the county and towns on the following pages.

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Map of Lunenburg County

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Map of Town of Kenbridge

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Map of Town of Victoria

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Lunenburg County, largely agricultural, is known for its red clay and climate suited to various crops, mainly tobacco which has been and still is the county’s principal cash crop. This red clay also was beneficial for building, resulting in the historic courthouse and many of its ante-bellum homes and chimneys being constructed of hand-kilned bricks from native soil.

As Lunenburg County was being formed in 1746, the area around what is now the Town of Kenbridge became dotted mostly with small and large farms. During the summer of 1906, Kenbridge received its first layout of streets and a few buildings. Among those was a wooden structure erected as the first home for the Bank of Lunenburg. It remains there, but has been renamed “The Benchmark Community Bank” by the organization. The Town of Kenbridge was named by combining portions of two last names – “Ken” for Mr. W. F. Kennedy and “bridge” for Mr. L.W. Bridgeforth, another leading citizen of the area. The Town was incorporated on March 14, 1908. Because Kenbridge is not directly accessible from U.S. Route 360 or Interstate 85, it has been able to maintain its rural character.

The Town of Victoria was conceived in 1906 when the Virginian Railway was built to transport coal from Southwest Virginia to Tidewater. The Town of Victoria is located halfway between Roanoke and Norfolk. It is believed that Henry H. Rogers, builder of the Virginian Railway named the Town after Queen Victoria. The Town began to develop around the railroad shops and was built on farmlands and forests. These shops remained in the Town of Victoria until 1959 when the railroad merged with the present-day Norfolk Southern. Victoria was incorporated by the Lunenburg County Circuit Court in April 1909 and later by the Virginia State General Assembly in March 1916. Because Victoria is not directly accessible from U.S. Route 360 or Interstate 85, it too has been able to maintain its rural character.

B. Population


The population section of the Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan includes an analysis of the population characteristics of the County and both Towns. Population analysis often concentrates on increases or decreases in population. Other important factors include changes in characteristics (age, sex and race), rate of growth and the distribution, which can affect planning for a community. Population trends affect land use, housing, community facilities and other aspects of community development.

The following section on population attempts to review the most current information available to analyze its significance.

Past Population Trends According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the County of Lunenburg has a population of 12,914. The 2000 U.S. Census for the County of Lunenburg reported a total of 13,146 persons. This represents a population decrease of 232 persons or -1.8 percent since 2000. This decrease in population could be contributed to the economic decline that began in 2008.

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According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the Town of Kenbridge had a population of 1,257. The 2000 U.S. Census for the Town of Kenbridge reported a total of 1,253 persons. This represents a population increase of 4 persons or 0.3 percent since 2000.

According to the 2010 Census, the Town of Victoria had a population of 1,725. The 2000 U.S. Census for the Town of Victoria reported a total of 1,821 persons. This represents a population decrease of 96 persons or -5.3 percent since 2000.

Like most rural towns in Southside Virginia, both the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria experienced only slight increase in population, which can be attributed to the nature of their economy. Historically, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria have had a stagnant job market that has caused portions of its population to seek employment elsewhere.


Past Population Trends

County of Lunenburg

Year Total Population Number Change Percent Change

1950 14,116 - -

1960 12,523 - 1,593 - 11.3%

1970 11,687 - 836 - 6.7%

1980 12,124 + 437 3.7%

1990 11,419 - 705 -5.8%

2000 13,146 + 1,727 15.1%

2010 12,914 -232 -1.8%

Source: 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population

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Past Population

Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, County of Lunenburg, Region and State

Place 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Kenbridge 1,223 1,352 1,264 1,253 1,257

Victoria 1,408 2,004 1,830 1,821 1,725

Lunenburg County

11,687 12,124 11,419 13,146 12,914


District 14 77,060 83,549 84,905 97,103 104,605

State 4,651,448 5,346,818 6,187,358 7,078,515 8,001,031

Source: 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population

Population Change Factors There are many factors that affect population change. There are three ways in which a locality can experience population increase. The first is through having more births than deaths in a given period of time (See Table III). The second is when more people migrate into than immigrate out of an area. Finally, the most common way is a combination of both factors.


Births and Deaths

Lunenburg County, Virginia

Year Births Deaths

1990 132 133

2000 95 157

2010 108 135

Source: Virginia Department of Health, Vital Statistics Annual Report, 1990-2010

From 1990 to 2010, the number of births averaged approximately 111 per decade, while the death rate averaged approximately 141 per decade. Considering the birth rate average is lower than the death rate average, it can be predicted that the County will have a decrease in population in future years. Age and Sex Characteristics

By analyzing the population’s gender characteristics and age groupings, it is possible to evaluate the needs for community facility requirements, commercial services and housing demand (See Table IV, V, VI and VII). The male inmates housed in the Lunenburg Correctional Facility are counted in the total population figures for the County. This can also be seen in TABLE IV where it is noted that the male population in 2000 and 2010 is much higher than the female population.

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Population Gender Characteristics

Lunenburg County

Year Total Male % of

Population Female

% of Population

1950 14,116 7,122 50% 6,994 50%

1960 12,523 6,220 50% 6,303 50%

1970 11,687 5,656 48% 6,031 52%

1980 12,124 5,877 48% 6,247 52%

1990 11,419 5,534 48% 5,885 52%

2000 13,146 6,997 53% 6,149 47%

2010 12,914 6,857 53% 6,057 47%

Source: 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population

Lunenburg County

Between 2000 and 2010, there was a decrease of 903 persons between the ages of 5 and 44 (see Table V). There was also a decrease of 88 persons between the ages of 75 and 84. The largest increase of 671 persons was between the ages of 45 to 74. The population 18 and under decreased by 309 persons in the county. This group represents future residents and leaders of the County of Lunenburg and possibly the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria. In the Town of Kenbridge, the population characteristic was relatively stable from 2000 to 2010. However, the Town of Victoria had a decline in population of 96 persons. (see TABLE VI and VII).

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Age Characteristics

Lunenburg County

2000 – 2010

Age 2000 Total

% of Population

2010 Total

% of Population

Change from 2000 to 2010

Under 5 644 6% 687 5% 43

5-14 1,628 12% 1,373 11% - 255

15-24 1,579 12% 1,463 11% - 116

25-34 1,577 12% 1,505 12% - 72

35-44 2,120 16% 1,660 13% - 460

45-54 1,985 15% 2,027 16% 42

55-59 732 6% 1,070 8% 338

60-64 671 5% 908 7% 237

65-74 1,208 9% 1,262 10% 54

75 to 84 803 6% 715 5% - 88

85+ 199 1% 244 2% 45

TOTAL 13,146 100% 12,914 100% - 232

Under 18 years

2,803 21% 2,494 19% - 309

65 years and over

2,210 17% 2,221 17% 11

Source: 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population

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Town of Kenbridge


Age Characteristics

Town of Kenbridge

2000 – 2010

Age 2000 Total

% of Population

2010 Total

% of Population

Change from 2000 to 2010

Under 5 65 5% 94 7% 29

5-14 143 11% 155 12% 12

15-24 189 15% 152 12% - 37

25-34 152 12% 150 12% - 2

35-44 136 11% 152 12% 16

45-54 177 14% 138 11% - 39

55-59 86 7% 96 8% 10

60-64 62 5% 97 8% 35

65-74 112 9% 125 10% 13

75 to 84 95 8% 61 5% - 34

85 + 36 3% 37 3% 1

TOTAL 1,253 100% 1,257 100% 4

Under 18 years

274 22% 292 23% 18

65 years and over

243 19% 223 17% - 20

Source: 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population

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Town of Victoria


Age Characteristics

Town of Victoria

2000 – 2010

Age 2000 Total

% of Population

2010 Total

% of Population

Change from 2000 to 2010

Under 5 92 5% 109 6% 17

5-14 248 14% 205 12% - 43

15-24 220 12% 223 13% 3

25-34 189 10% 177 10% - 12

35-44 228 12% 178 10% - 50

45-54 252 14% 253 14% 1

55-59 103 6% 129 8% 26

60-64 106 6% 114 7% 8

65-74 184 10% 178 10% - 55

75 to 84 161 9% 112 7% - 49

85 + 38 2% 47 3% 9

TOTAL 1,821 100% 1,725 100% - 96

Under 18 years

416 23% 378 22% - 38

65 years and over

383 21 % 337 20% - 46

Source: 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population

Racial Characteristics

As noted in Table VIII thru Table X, racial characteristics for the U.S. Census years of 1990, 2000 and 2010 are presented for Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria. The classification of “other” includes American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, Asian or Pacific Islander, and other races not included in the specific categories. (See Note within Tables)

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Lunenburg County


Racial Characteristics

Lunenburg County

Year Total White % of

Population Black

% of Population

Other* % of


1990 11,419 7,081 62.0% 4,292 37.6% 46 .4%

2000 13,146 7,772 59.1% 5,072 38.6% 302 2.3%

2010 12,914 7,856 60.8% 4,487 34.7% 571 4.5%

Source: 1990, 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population NOTE: In 1990 the classification of “other” includes American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, Asian, Pacific Islander and other races not included in the specific categories. In 2000 and 2010, the classification of “other” includes American Indians, Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander groups, other races not included in the specific categories listed, and those persons claiming 2 or more races.

Town of Kenbridge


Racial Characteristics

Town of Kenbridge

Year Total White % of

Population Black

% of Population

Other* % of


1990 1,264 843 66.7% 417 33.0% 4 .3%

2000 1,253 646 51.6% 563 44.9% 44 3.5%

2010 1,257 667 53.1% 470 37.4% 101 8.1%

Source: 1990, 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population NOTE: In 1990 the classification of “other” includes American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, Asian, Pacific Islander and other races not included in the specific categories. In 2000 and 2010, the classification of “other” includes American Indians, Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander groups, other races not included in the specific categories listed, and those persons claiming 2 or more races.

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Town of Victoria


Racial Characteristics

Town of Victoria

Year Total White % of

Population Black

% of Population

Other* % of


1990 1,830 1,538 84.0% 286 15.6% 6 .4%

2000 1,821 1,388 76.2% 391 21.5% 42 2.3%

2010 1,725 1,166 67.6% 505 29.3 19 1.1%

Source: 1990, 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population NOTE: In 1990 the classification of “other” includes American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, Asian, Pacific Islander and other races not included in the specific categories. In 2000 and 2010, the classification of “other” includes American Indians, Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander groups, other races not included in the specific categories listed, and those persons claiming 2 or more races.

Population Estimates

For the purpose of the Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan, population estimates developed by the University of Virginia Weldon Cooper Center are being viewed (see Table XI).


Population Estimates

Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County and Region

Place 2000

Census Population

2010 Census


2014 Population Estimate

2015 Population Estimate

2016 Population Estimate

2010 –2016

# Change

Kenbridge 1,253 1,257 1,241 1,227 1,221 - 36

Victoria 1,821 1,725 1,696 1,677 1,671 - 54

Lunenburg County

13,146 12,914 12,661 12,435 12,365 - 549

PDC - 14 97,103 104,609 104,787 104,667 104,006 - 603

Source: Weldon Cooper Center, University of Virginia, 2000 - 2016.

Population estimates look to the present or the recent past. They are usually more accurate than population projections because they can make use of current indicators – data series like births or

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licensed drivers that are direct measurements, usually derived from government agency records. The range of statistical methods that can be used to do estimates is consequently greater than the methods available to produce projections.

In the information provided, a cohort-component population estimation method is used. This method essentially follows each birth cohort according to its exposure to mortality, fertility and migration. Starting with a base population, deaths are subtracted from the population and births are added to the population. Estimates of net international migration and net internal migration are added to or subtracted from the population. Population Projections Population projections look to the future. They aim to produce a quantity that represents the size of a population one, two, five or ten years from now. As a result, projection quantities like births, deaths and net migration are an integral part of doing a projection. Also, most population projections are based on past trends combined with knowledge of prospective activities that may modify those trends. Projections based on past trends tend to be less accurate for areas with smaller numbers of people than for those with larger numbers. Unexpected events can drastically alter a small area’s population, while only slightly affecting a larger area’s population. For example, if a manufacturing firm locating in or near the Town of Kenbridge or the Town of Victoria created 100 new jobs, it would have a greater impact on either Town’s rate of population growth than on a larger community such as the City of Richmond. Such an event, if unanticipated, could affect the accuracy of the Town and County’s projections. Another consideration is that the further into the future projections are made, the greater the chance of error. Therefore, periodic reviews of the projections are needed to adjust for changing conditions. The projection of population is essential for determining the land needs for future residential, commercial, industrial and public uses. Also, population projections can provide an indication of needs for community services, such as schools, parks and police protection to serve the future population. Lunenburg County population projections in Table XII were prepared by the Weldon Cooper Center of UVA. Projections for the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria were not available.

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Population Projections

Lunenburg County

Age 2000 (*)

Population 2010

Population 2020

Projection 2030

Projection 2040


Under 5 644 687 590 550 519

5-9 728 685 564 535 496

10-14 900 688 686 643 610

15-19 857 720 633 569 550

20-24 722 743 531 578 552

25-29 714 695 546 524 481

30-34 863 810 780 609 674

35-39 1,031 780 710 609 595

40-44 1,089 880 772 812 644

45-49 1,058 1,009 714 709 619

50-54 927 1,018 769 737 788

55-59 732 1,070 954 737 745

60-64 671 908 932 769 750

65-69 595 721 1050 939 735

70-74 613 541 739 764 634

75-79 492 429 533 769 680

80-84 311 286 258 346 356

85+ 199 244 234 241 312

TOTAL 13,146 12,914 11,995 11,440 10,740

Note: Subparts may not add to total due to rounding. Source: Weldon Cooper Center at UVA, 2017

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C. Education As with other localities within the State of Virginia, education continues to be a concern for Lunenburg County. Varying degrees of illiteracy exist among many persons in the County’s work force. Due to changing technology within the manufacturing and industrial businesses, many of the County’s residents are not knowledgeable or trained to meet the needs of employers for future employment, nor provide the County with a potential labor force for future economic development.

According to the 2010 Census, more citizens are graduating from high school and continuing their education than in the year 2000. Lunenburg County’s population 25 years of age and over received more advanced degrees in 2010. Additionally, in 2010, Lunenburg County showed a decrease in the number of citizens with less than 9th grade, and 9th to 12th grade, no diploma. A more detailed breakdown of the educational attainment of the population 25 years and over for Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria can be seen in the following Tables XIII through XV:


Educational Attainment Population 25 Years and Over

Lunenburg County

2000 – 2010


% of

Population 2010

% of


Change from

2000 to 2010

Less than 9th grade 1,370 15% 1,111 12% - 259

9th to 12th grade, no diploma

2,038 22% 1,527 16.5% - 511

High School Graduate (Includes Equivalency)

2,942 32% 3,592 39% 650

Some College, No Degree

1,783 19% 1,537 16.6% - 249

Associate Degree 319 3% 565 6% 246

Bachelor’s Degree 593 6% 648 7% 55

Graduate or Professional Degree

260 3% 278 3% 18

TOTAL 9,305 100% 9,258 100% - 47

Source: 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census

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Educational Attainment of Population 25 Years and Over

Town of Kenbridge

2000 – 2010


% of

Population 2010

% of


Change from

2000 to2010

Less than 9th grade 112 13% 86 11% - 26

9th to 12th grade, no diploma 182 21% 94 12% - 88

High School Graduate (Includes Equivalency)

226 27% 210 27% - 16

Some College, No Degree 170 20% 164 21% - 6

Associate Degree 42 5% 39 5% - 3

Bachelor’s Degree 69 8% 140 18% 71

Graduate or Professional Degree

48 6% 47 6% - 1

TOTAL 849 100% 780 100% - 69

Source: 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census


Educational Attainment of Population 25 Years and Over

Town of Victoria

2000 – 2010


% of Population


% of Population

Change from

2000 to 2010

Less than 9th grade 156 13% 81 8% - 75

9th to 12th grade, no diploma 254 20% 193 19% - 61

High School Graduate (Includes Equivalency)

403 32% 335 33% - 68

Some College, No Degree 243 20% 183 18% - 60

Associate Degree 52 4% 112 11% 60

Bachelor’s Degree 104 8% 41 4% - 63

Graduate or Professional Degree

37 3% 71 7% 34

TOTAL 1,249 100% 1,016 100% - 233

Source: 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census

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The Virginia Board of Education has revised its accreditation standards to provide a more comprehensive view of school quality. School Accreditation ratings for the 2017-2018 school year are the first to reflect this new approach to accountability. The revised accreditation standards measure performance on multiple school-quality indicators, not just on overall student achievement on state tests. Elementary and middle schools are evaluated on the following indicators:

• Overall proficiency and growth in English reading/writing achievement (including progress of English learners toward English-language proficiency)

• Overall proficiency and growth in mathematics • Overall proficiency in science • English achievement gaps among student groups

• Mathematics achievement gaps among student groups • Absenteeism

High Schools are evaluated on the following school-quality indicators:

• Overall proficiency in English reading/writing and progress of English learners toward English-language proficiency.

• Overall proficiency in mathematics • Overall proficiency in science • English achievement gaps among student groups • Mathematics achievement gaps among student groups • Graduation and completion • Dropout rate • Absenteeism • College, career and civic readiness (effective 2021-2022)

Performance on each school-quality indicator is rate at one of three levels: Level 1 – meets or exceeds standard or sufficient improvement; Level 2 – near standard or making sufficient improvement; Level 3 – below standard. Under the new system, schools earn one of the following accreditation ratings:

• Accredited – Schools with all school-quality indicators at either Level 1 or 2. • Accredited with Conditions – Schools with one or more school quality indicators at Level 3.

• Accreditation Denied – Schools that fail to adopt or fully implement required corrective actions to address Level 3 school quality indicators. A school rated as Accreditation Denied may regain state accreditation by demonstrating to the Board of Education that it is fully implementing all required corrective action plans.

The revised Standards of Accreditation prescribes that all schools and divisions, after conducting a comprehensive needs assessment, develop a multiyear plan that will be reviewed annually. The plan should include actions for all performance levels to support continuous improvement for all schools on each school-quality indicator.

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Lunenburg County’s Accreditation Status for 2017-2018 school year is shown in Table XVI.

Another set of statistics that is important for the County of Lunenburg is its total graduate rate and continuing education rate. Those businesses presently located within the County and the two (2) Towns do not require specialized skills or a high degree of educational background. It is difficult to attract higher-paying industries and businesses within the County of Lunenburg when the graduate rate and continuing education rate for the area are not within that of the State’s. All business enterprises need labor of suitable quantity, quality and type. A higher skilled and trained labor force attracts higher paying jobs to an area. There is a great need within Lunenburg County to attract higher paying jobs in order to break the cycle of low income and poverty.


Lunenburg County Public Schools 2017-2018 Accreditation Status

School AA

English AG

English AA

Math AG

Math AA


Chronic Absent.

Grad &

Compl Index



Overall Status

Central High

L1 L2 L1 L3 L1 L1 L2 L3 Accredited

Lunenburg Middle

L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 NA NA Accredited

Kenbridge Elementary

L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 NA NA Accredited

Victoria Elementary

L1 L2 L1 L3 L1 L1 NA NA Accredited

Source: Virginia Department of Education, 2017-2018 School Year Level 1 – meets or exceeds standard or sufficient improvement Level 2 – near standard or making sufficient improvement Level 3 – below standard AA – Academic Achievement AG – Achievement Gap Chronic Absent. – Chronic Absenteeism Grad & Compl Index – Graduation and Completion Index College, Career, and Civic Readiness Index (Not included as it is not effective until 2021-2022)

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As shown in Table XVII, Lunenburg County is somewhat behind the state and district in both the total graduate rate and continuing education rate within the period of 2014-2015. However, the total dropout rate for the County is lower than the District and the State.

TABLE XVII Lunenburg County

Education Data 2014-2015






Lunenburg 5.03% 75.8% 61.9%

District 6.98% 84.9% 75.1%

State 6.69% 86.3% 83.1%

*NOTE: Based on percent of ninth grade membership four years earlier. Source: Virginia Department of Education, 2014-2015 Annual School Report For Virginia

D. Income Per Capita Income The per capita income of local residents is an indicator of the living standard of a locality’s citizens and the strength of its economy. The per capita income is the average annual income of each person residing in the locality. Income includes such sources as wages, dividends, pensions, social security benefits and public assistance. A measure of Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria can be seen in Table XVIII.


Per Capita Income

Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County, Region and State

Place 1980 1990 2000 2010

Kenbridge Not Available $ 11,250 $ 15,386 $ 17,831

Victoria Not Available $ 9,963 $ 13,693 $ 20,948

Lunenburg $ 5,125 $ 9,158 $ 14,951 $ 17,744

PDC-14 $ 4,937 $ 9,757 $ 15,337 $ 19,019

State $7,563 $ 15,713 $ 23,975 $ 32,145

Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010

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Median Family Income


Median Family Income

Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County, Region and State

Place 1980 1990 2000 2010

Kenbridge Not Available $ 26,450 $ 38,929 $ 40,750

Victoria Not Available $ 25,481 $ 32,311 $ 42,885

Lunenburg $ 14,100 $ 23,953 $ 34,302 $ 41,968

PDC-14 $ 14,200 $ 26,264 $ 38,550 $ 50,482

State $ 20,018 $ 38,213 $ 54,169 $ 73,514

Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010

Median Household Income


Median Household Income

Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County, Region and State

Place 1980 1990 2000 2010

Kenbridge Not Available $ 20,870 $ 26,818 $ 33.370

Victoria Not Available $ 20,729 $ 24,694 $ 34,118

Lunenburg $ 11,628 $ 19,459 $ 27,899 $ 37,424

PDC-14 $ 12,219 $ 22,071 $ 31,564 $ 38,893

State $ 17,475 $ 33,328 $ 46,677 $ 61,409

Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010

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Poverty The Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds that vary by family size and composition to determine who is in poverty. If a family's total income is less than the family's threshold, then that family and every individual in it is considered in poverty.


Percentage of Persons Below Poverty Level

Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County, Region and State

Place 1990 2000 2010

Kenbridge 15.6% 18.8% 19.8%

Victoria 8.9% 24.6% 20.6%

Lunenburg 19.1% 20.0% 16.3%

PDC-14 17.7% 17.2% 15.9%

State 10.2% 9.6% 10.3%

Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, 1990, 2000 and 2010

E. Commutation Patterns Of the 4,994 Lunenburg residents who work, 2,113 work in Lunenburg County. The top five locations that residents work outside of Lunenburg County include: Mecklenburg, Nottoway, Chesterfield, Charlotte, and Prince Edward Counties. Other locations for work can be seen in

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the map on the preceding page. There are also a small percentage (3%) of workers that travel outside the State of Virginia for work. Of the 3,006 workers in Lunenburg County, the largest number are residents of Lunenburg County (2,113). The top five locations for workers who commute into the County include: Nottoway, Mecklenburg, Charlotte and Prince Edward Counties (see map below). There are also approximately 3.7% of workers who travel to Lunenburg from out of state. Source of data: Longwood Small Business Development Center provided data utilizing JobsEQ. Commuting data are modeled by Chmura, using commuting patterns from the Census Bureau.

E. Employment/Underemployment As shown in Tables XXII thru XXIV, Education/Health/Social Services was the top industrial and business employment sector for Lunenburg County (19%), the Town of Kenbridge (22%) and the Town of Victoria (22%) during the 2010 U.S. Census. Manufacturing was a key component of the County and each Town’s economic base during the 2000 census and earlier. Goods were customarily sold to other areas of the state and nation in exchange for dollars. These dollars were then used by manufacturers to: (1) purchase local goods and services, and (2) provide jobs for workers who in turn will spend their wages and salaries locally. This spending pattern supports other local businesses, which in turn, generates more income and employment.

The U.S. Census Bureau defines retail trade as a business engaged in selling merchandise to the general public for personal or household consumption. Retail trade establishments are usually fixed places of business; they are engaged in activities to attract the general public to buy; they buy and sell merchandise and they are considered to be in retail trade. In 2010, retail trade accounted for 15.5-17% of the employment for residents in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

On the other hand, wholesale trade includes all establishments with one or more paid employee primarily engaged in selling merchandise to retailers; to industrial, commercial, institutional, farm

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or professional users; or to other wholesalers. Companies selling products to which they have title, as well as to those acting as agents or brokers in buying merchandise for or selling merchandise to others, are included. The Census Bureau excluded governmental organizations classified in the covered industries except for wholesale liquor establishments operated by State and local governments. In 2010, wholesale trade accounted for 1–5% of the employment for residents in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.


Business and Industrial Employment

Of Employed Civilian Population 16 Years and Over

Lunenburg County Residents

2000 – 2010


% of Population


% of Population

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting & Mining



Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting & Mining



Construction 549 11% Construction 454 9%

Manufacturing 990 19% Manufacturing 692 14%

Wholesale Trade 86 2% Wholesale Trade 177 4%

Retail Trade 605 12% Retail Trade 779 15.5%

Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities

288 6% Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities

429 8.5%

Information 43 1% Information 24 .5%

Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, & Rental/Leasing

256 4% Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, & Rental/Leasing

133 3%

Professional, Scientific, Management, Administrative & Waste Management Services

205 4%

Professional, Scientific, Management, Administrative & Waste Management Services

88 2%

Educational, Health & Social Services

958 19% Educational, Health & Social Services

928 19%

Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation & Food Services

238 4%

Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation & Food Services

326 6.5%

Other Services 258 5% Other Services 269 5%

Public Administration 520 10% Public Administration 582 12%


4,953 100%

Source: 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population

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Business and Industrial Employment

Of Employed Civilian Population 16 Years and Over

Town of Kenbridge Residents

2000 – 2010


% of Population


% of Population

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting & Mining


3% Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting & Mining



Construction 47 8% Construction 51 10%

Manufacturing 145 25% Manufacturing 91 18%

Wholesale Trade 17 3% Wholesale Trade 25 5%

Retail Trade 77 13% Retail Trade 80 16%

Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities

10 2% Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities

23 4%

Information 5 1% Information 3 .5%

Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, & Rental/Leasing

7 1% Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, & Rental/Leasing

10 2%

Professional, Scientific,

Management, Administrative & Waste Management Services

16 3%

Professional, Scientific,

Management, Administrative & Waste Management Services

39 7.5%

Educational, Health & Social Services

113 19% Educational, Health & Social Services

120 23%

Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation & Food Services

26 5%

Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation & Food Services

22 4%

Other Services 28 5% Other Services 21 4%

Public Administration 69 12% Public Administration 20 4%


Source: 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population

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Business and Industrial Employment

Of Employed Civilian Population 16 Years and Over

Town of Victoria Residents

2000 – 2010


% of Population


% of Population

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting & Mining

0% Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting & Mining


Construction 28 4% Construction 27 5%

Manufacturing 103 15% Manufacturing 78 16%

Wholesale Trade 12 2% Wholesale Trade 4 1%

Retail Trade 101 15% Retail Trade 87 17%

Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities

31 5% Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities

24 5%

Information 0 0% Information 0 0%

Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, & Rental/Leasing

54 8% Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, & Rental/Leasing

32 6%

Professional, Scientific, Management, Administrative & Waste Management Services

24 3%

Professional, Scientific, Management, Administrative & Waste Management Services

10 2%

Educational, Health & Social Services

146 21% Educational, Health & Social Services

110 22%

Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation & Food Services

24 3%

Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation & Food Services

40 8%

Other Services 30 4% Other Services 19 4%

Public Administration 135 20% Public Administration 72 14%


Source: 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census of Population

Occupations The 2010 U.S. Census occupation distribution for Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria is shown in Table XXV. The top-ranking occupation category for Lunenburg County and the Town of Victoria includes Sales and Office occupations. The top-ranking

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occupation for the Town of Kenbridge includes Management, Professional and Related occupations.


Occupations of Employed Civilian Population 16 Years of Age and Older

Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge and Town of Victoria Residents



County Town of Kenbridge Town of Victoria

Management, Professional &

Related Occupations

1,062 161 111

Service Occupations 935 58 105

Sales & Office

Occupations 1,429 135 151

Farming, Fishing & Forestry Occupations

75 0 0


Extraction & Maintenance


615 69 55

Production, Transportation &

Material Moving Occupations

912 91 81

Total Employment 4,953 514 503

Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, 2010

Employment in several occupations is expected to decline because of technological advances and other economic factors. Other occupations will decline because they are concentrated in declining industries. Although turnover may create a limited number of openings, job seekers entering a declining occupation may face increased chances of future job losses. According to the Virginia Employment Commission’s Economic Information Services Division, the top lost occupations in the future are: Sewing, Textile, Farming, Computer Operators and Product Inspectors. As far as the fastest growing occupations, the Virginia Employment Commission’s Economic Information Services Division projected the following as the fastest growing occupations within the State of Virginia from 2000 to 2010:

• Combined food preparation and serving workers, including fast food • Customer Service Representatives • Registered Nurses • Retail Salespersons • Computer Support Specialists • Cashiers • General Office Clerks

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• Security Guards • Computer Software Engineers, Applications • Waiters and Waitresses

Major Employers

Lunenburg County’s top 20 employers are shown in Table XXVI. Much of the major employment activity is centered within the Towns of Kenbridge and Victoria. These two (2) Towns are home to the major business and industrial employers within the County.

Table XXVI Largest Employers of Lunenburg County

Virginia Marble 325-350 FT & PT Manufacturing

Lunenburg County School Board 325 FT & PT Education

Lunenburg Correctional Facility 300 FT & PT Government

Lunenburg County 75-80 FT & PT Government

Benchmark Community Bank 60-65 FT & PT Banking/Financial

Kenbridge Construction Co., Inc. 40-50 FT Construction

Three Rivers Treatment Center 45 FT & PT Medical

Southern Dominion Health System 41 Medical

Global Refining Group, Inc. 30-35 FT Recycling/Manufacturing

Lignetics 20-25 FT Manufacturing

Food Lion 20 Retail sales

Pennington Seed, Inc. 19-26 Manufacturing

Town of Victoria 18 Government

Town of Kenbridge 16 Government

Parrish Trucking, Inc. 15 -20 FT & PT Transportation

ABC Recycling, Inc. 15-20 FT Recycling

ComforTek 15 FT Manufacturing

Dollar General 15 -20 FT & PT Retail sales

Source: Information was provided by local officials in Lunenburg, Kenbridge and Victoria based on 2017 conditions. (FT=Full Time and PT=Part Time.)


Lunenburg County’s average unemployment rate for 2010 has increased from the 2000 rate (see Table XXVII). When comparing the County’s unemployment rate to that of the Planning District (PD) 14 and the State of Virginia’s 2010 unemployment rate, it is slightly higher.

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The Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) was the source for the unemployment statistics in this Joint Comprehensive Plan. VEC utilizes the following definitions to determine unemployment rates: The labor force, total persons available for work, is defined as including all persons 16 years of age and older who are actively seeking work or working. Employment includes all persons 16 years of age or older who are working. Unemployment includes all persons 16 years of age and older who have been actively seeking work for 4 weeks. The unemployment figures may be somewhat misleading. Not all unemployed persons are counted by the VEC. Once a person is no longer eligible to receive unemployment due to the expiration of their benefit period, he or she will not be counted as unemployed or part of the labor force. This may cause the unemployment figures to be lower than what they truly are. These persons are considered to be “discouraged workers” or the “underemployed.”


Annual Average Unemployment Rates

Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg County, Region and State

Place 2000 2010 2015 2016

Kenbridge Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available

Victoria Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available

Lunenburg 3.5% 9.5% 5.2% 4.6%

Planning District 14 3.0% 9.2% 5.4% 4.8%

State 2.3% 7.1% 4.4% 4.0%

Source: Virginia Employment Commission, 2000-2016

The Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria have experienced various major industrial and manufacturing closings, openings and expansions in the last ten (10) years that have had a profound impact on employment and living conditions within these two Towns and Lunenburg County as a whole. The majority of the closings that have occurred have been due to a declining economy. Many businesses have been forced to lay-off workers or completely terminate operations.

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Chapter III Inventory and Analysis:

Community Resources and Trends

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III. Inventory and Analysis: Resources and Trends

A. Housing


Attractive, safe, and affordable housing is a basic requirement of any community. Good quality housing aids in higher land valuation and better living conditions for the population. When proper housing is available, it is an excellent enticement for facilitating the relocation of new industry to the area. New industry can bring new workers into the community. Incoming personnel are more easily enticed by sufficient and appealing housing. This creates a more prosperous and desirable community in which to live, work and grow.

Housing Units

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, a housing unit is defined as a house, apartment, group of rooms, or single room occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters. Separate living quarters are those in which the occupants live and eat separately from any other people in the structure and that have direct access from the outside of the structure or through a common hall, lobby, or vestibule that is used or intended for use by the occupants of more than one unit or by the general public. Group quarters such as boarding houses, jails, dormitories and hospitals are not counted as living units.

Statistics for the County of Lunenburg, which includes the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria reflect an increase in the number of housing units from 5,736 in 2000 to 5,935 in 2010; an increase of 199 units. Occupied housing units decreased from 4,998 units in 2000 to 4,957 units in 2010; a decrease of 41 units. Unfortunately, there was also an increase in vacant units from 738 units in 2000 to 978 units in 2010; an increase of 240 units (see Tables XXVIII and XXIX). This may be due to individuals moving from “Other” residential units to more desirable and upgraded housing. According to the 2010 Census, single-family homes were the predominately occupied housing structure in the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria. This stresses strong home ownership values with 74.4 percent of these homes being owner occupied. Vacant homes, however, had the largest percent increase in residential units from 2000 to 2010 (32.52%).

The category labeled “Other” includes housing units such as houseboats, railroad cars, campers, and vans. Based on information in the 2010 Census, this form of housing was not present in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge or the Town of Victoria.

There was a 144.4 percent change in the number of building permits issued the year 2000 compared to the year 2010, 18 in 2000 and 44 in 2010. Since 2010, the last four complete years 2014-2017 building permits were tallied to see if there was a pattern to consider (see chart below. Also noted in the four-year span, both the Town of Kenbridge and Victoria each issued three (3) building permits.

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TABLE XXVIII Housing Unit Characteristics

Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria



Change from 2000 to


Total Housing Units Lunenburg County Town of Kenbridge Town of Victoria

5,736 579 903

5,935 596 888

199 17


Total Occupied Lunenburg County Town of Kenbridge Town of Victoria

4,998 529 803

4,957 505 743

-41 -24 -60

Homeowner Occupied Lunenburg County Town of Kenbridge Town of Victoria

3,884 371 575

3,662 348 465

-222 -23 -110

Renter Occupied Lunenburg County

Town of Kenbridge Town of Victoria


158 228


157 278


-1 50

Total Vacant Lunenburg County Town of Kenbridge Town of Victoria

738 50


978 91


240 41 45

Vacant – Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use Lunenburg County Town of Kenbridge Town of Victoria


6 12

214 16 23

49 10 11

Source: 2000, 2010 U.S. Census of Population and Housing

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TABLE XXIX Housing Units

Lunenburg County including Town of Kenbridge & Town of Victoria



% Change from 2000

to 2010

Total Housing Units 5,736 5,935 3.47

Occupied 4,998 4,957 - .82

Vacant 738 978 32.52

Single Family 4,355 4,484 2.96

Multiple Family 170 177 4.12

Mobile Home 1,211 1,246 2.89

Other 0 0 0 Source: 2000, 2010 U.S. Census of Housing

Source: 2010 US Census

Rental Characteristics

Contract rent is the monthly rent agreed to or contracted for, regardless of furnishings, utilities, fees, meals or services that may be included. For vacant units, it is the monthly rent asked for the rental unit at the time of the 2010 U.S. Census of Housing surveys.

In the 2000 U.S. Census of Housing, contract rent (also referred to as “rent asked” for vacant units) was asked at all occupied housing units that were rented for cash rent and all vacant housing units that were for rent at the time of enumeration. Housing units that are renter occupied without payment of cash rent are shown separately as “No cash rent”. Rent free houses or apartments may be provided to compensate caretakers, ministers, tenant farmers, sharecroppers, family/friend unit owner or others.

Occupied 83.5%

Vacant 16.5%

TABLE XXXLunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria

2010 Housing Unit Characteristics

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The County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge, and the Town of Victoria contract rent is compared in Table XXXI below:

Contract rent in the County of Lunenburg and the Town of Victoria are comparable. The median rent in the Town of Kenbridge is approximately $50 less per month than that charged in the County and the Town of Victoria. Structural Types The predominant housing type in the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria, as well as throughout Southside Virginia, is single-family homes. (See Table XXXII). Rapidly rising housing costs are creating a trend toward smaller household sizes. Predictably, in the future, there will be increased demand for multi-family units and manufactured homes. Manufactured homes represent a potential solution for the more affordable single-family housing demand. They do, however, present a trade off to the area including long term value depreciation and potential cumulative visual impact that scattered, unplanned residential units can have on the scenic, rural landscape.


Units in Structure Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria

Structure Type Units

Lunenburg County

Town of Kenbridge

Town of Victoria

1-Unit Detached 4,484 468 711

1-Unit attached 46 6 13

2-4 Units 42 6 32

5 Units or more 89 23 28

Mobile Home, Trailer, or Other 1,246 44 38

Boat, RV, Van etc. 0 0 0

TOTAL 5,907 547 822

Source: 2010 U.S. Census of Housing


Contract Rent Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria

Contract Rent

Lunenburg County

Town of Kenbridge

Town of Victoria

Less than $200 2 .2% 0 0% 2 1.2%

$200 to $299 30 3.2% 3 2.8% 17 10.3%

$300 to $499 117 12.5% 41 38.7% 5 3.0%

$500 to $749 616 65.6% 34 32.1% 97 58.8%

$750 to $999 49 15.9% 28 26.4% 24 14.5%

$1000 or more 25 2.7% 0 0% 20 12.1%

Median Rent $619 $571 $622





Source: 2010 U.S. Census of Housing

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The U.S. Census Bureau defines the structure types as: 1-Unit Detached: 1-unit structure detached from any other house; that is, with open space on all four sides. Such structures are considered detached even if they have an adjoining shed or garage. A one-family house that contains a business is considered detached as long as the building has open space on all four sides. Mobile homes or trailers to which one or more permanent rooms have been added or built also are included.

1-Unit Attached: 1-unit structure that has one or more walls extending from ground to roof separating it from adjoining structures. In row houses (sometimes called townhouses), double houses, or houses attached to nonresidential structures, each house is a separate, attached structure if the dividing or common wall goes from ground to roof.

2 or More Units: Units in structures containing 2 or more housing units, further categorized as units in structure with 2, 3 or 4, 5 to 9, 10 to 19, 20 to 49, and 50 or more units.

Mobile Home or Trailer: Both occupied and vacant mobile homes to which no permanent rooms have been added are counted in this category. Mobile homes or trailers used only for business purposes or for extra sleeping space and mobile homes or trailers for sale on a dealer’s lot, at the factory, or in storage are not counted as housing inventory.

Other: This category is for any living quarters occupied as a housing unit that does not fit the previous categories. Examples that fit this category are houseboats, railroad cars, campers and vans.


Household Characteristics – Occupancy Status Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria

County of Lunenburg

Town of Kenbridge

Town of Victoria

Total Occupied Households 4,957 505 743

Total Population in Households 11,711 1,236 1,725

Persons per Household Owner Renter

2.31 2.50

2.26 2.85

2.24 2.45

Source: 2010 U.S. Census of Housing

Subsidized Housing

Victoria Place, comprised of 39 units for the elderly and disabled, is located in the Town of Victoria. Victoria Estates is subsidized housing located in Lunenburg County.

Housing Quality

Indicators of housing conditions selected for this analysis include overcrowding, low value, age and units lacking adequate water and sewer facilities. The existence of one or more of these conditions does not mean that a home is unsuitable for occupancy, but may indicate serious inadequacies such as structural obsolescence, deterioration, and the potential for health and safety

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problems. Table XXXIV contains statistics on various indicators of housing quality listed in the 2010 U.S. Census of Housing. Household Characteristics

Persons who do not live in nursing homes, dormitories, hotels, jails or other group quarters are classified as living in households. Households can be made up of one or more persons, and can be further broken down into categories, such as elderly households and low- and moderate-income households. The number of persons per household is a measure used in projection of future housing needs. Table XXXIV shows selected household characteristics for Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

TABLE XXXIV Selected Measures of Deficient Housing Conditions

Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria

County of Lunenburg

Town of Kenbridge

Town of Victoria

Total Year-Round Housing Units 5,935 547 822

Units Lacking Complete Plumbing 33 16 2

Units Lacking Complete Kitchen Facilities




Occupied Housing Units 4,515 464 612

Owner Occupied With: Value Below $100,000 Value Between $100,000 – $299,000 Value Over $300,000


1,405 302


153 12


149 13

Average Contract Rent $619 $571 $622

Source: 2010 U.S. Census of Housing

Governmental Policies

Residential development in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria is regulated by Zoning Ordinances in the various localities.

All Tax Rates are based on the year 2017. Residential Real Estate Taxes, a major source of local revenues, are set at $0.38 per hundred for Lunenburg County; $0.41 per hundred for the Town of Kenbridge; and, $0.18 per hundred for the Town of Victoria. Personal Property Tax is set at $3.60 per hundred for Lunenburg County; $1.41 per hundred for the Town of Kenbridge; and, $0.98 per hundred for the Town of Victoria. The Town of Victoria has three additional taxes: Mobile Homes $0.18/$100.00; Machinery/Tools $0.75/$100.00; and Rolling Stock $0.75/$100.00.

Federally Assisted Housing for Low-and Moderate-Income Households

The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) offers funding to eligible units of local government to address critical community development needs, including housing, through the Virginia Community Development Block Grant (VCDBG). This program has been administered by DHCD since 1982. Community Development Block Grant funds are made available to DHCD by

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the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Housing activities are eligible for VCDBG assistance to improve the living conditions of low- and moderate-income persons. Funding may be used to rehabilitate housing units or for the development of new housing units that will be occupied by low- and moderate-income persons.

From 1994 through 1998, Lunenburg County received grant funds through a Community Development Block Grant from DHCD for residential improvements to the surrounding neighborhood of Mecklenburg Avenue, Tidewater Avenue, Lunenburg Avenue, Virginia Avenue, and Park Avenue within the Town of Victoria. The County portion of the project area extended along a small portion of Road #734 and Thomas Road. The Lunenburg County Multi-Year Housing Preservation Project—the first multi-year project—entailed the rehabilitation of 48 dwellings, at a total cost of $1,130,450. More than 100 low-or-moderate income residents benefited from this project.

B. Transportation Introduction

Several factors must be considered in analyzing the transportation facilities for the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge, and the Town of Victoria. A transportation system must first and foremost be safe and efficient. Residents expect to be able to transport themselves and their materials in the shortest period of time while being ensured they will arrive at their destination safely. The relationship between the transportation system and existing and proposed land use activities of the area are an additional concern. Greater transportation facilities will be needed for some anticipated land uses than for others. This may have some bearing on the location of transportation facilities. Additionally, it is critical that the perceived transportation needs and desires of County and Town residents be met. Chapter 729 of the 2012 Acts of Assembly amended § 33.2-214 (formerly §33.1-12) and §15.2-2223, which changed the required transportation elements that must be included in a locality’s comprehensive plan and directed VDOT to notify the Commonwealth Transportation Board if the adopted transportation plan portion of a locality’s comprehensive plan is not consistent with:

• The statewide transportation plan (VTrans);

• Significant new, improved, or relocated highway projects in the Six-Year Improvement Program; or

• Route locations selected by the Commonwealth Transportation Board.

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Localities are also required to provide VDOT a copy of the draft plan at least 90 days prior to adoption of the plan or an amendment to the plan and, once adopted, provide a copy of the final plan.

VTrans VTrans is the long-range, statewide multimodal policy plan that lays out overarching Vision and Goals for transportation in the Commonwealth. It identifies transportation Investment Priorities and provides direction to transportation agencies on strategies and programs to be incorporated into their plans and programs. The VTrans2025 Report was completed in 2004, and the VTrans2035 Report was accepted by the CTB in December, 2009. The interim update of VTrans2035 (VTrans2035 Update) did not establish a new horizon year, nor did it include a fully updated analysis of anticipated long-range transportation needs. Rather, it focused on transforming the existing components of VTrans2035 into a new framework for linking system-wide performance evaluations to planning, policy development, and funding decisions. Using this “performance-based planning” framework, transportation agencies and decision-makers can use information about projected transportation needs with assessments of current system performance to develop cost-effective strategies that simultaneously address existing transportation needs and anticipated future conditions. The most recent iteration of VTrans, VTrans2040, is currently underway. The VTrans35 Update notes VDOT is working with the 20 Planning District Commissions/Regional Councils (PDCs/RCs) throughout the Commonwealth to evaluate the state's rural multimodal transportation system and to recommend a range of improvements that address existing and future needs. Lunenburg is located in the Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC) (Planning District 14) region. The CRC’s Rural Long-Range Transportation Plan (RLRP) was adopted in 2011. The RLRP denotes 27 Roadway System Deficiency Recommendations for Lunenburg County. They are as follows:

ID # Locality Location Information Deficiencies Recommendations

1 Lunenburg

VA 601 (Lambert Springs

Road/Fletcher Chapel

Road) from VA 137/138

(South Hill Road) to VA

40 (Blackstone Road)

Safety: Series of short

horizontal and vertical

curves along portions of the

roadway, with variable

pavement (9 to 10 ft) and

shoulder width. Few

passing zones. Downgrade

approaching Rt 40

intersection, with no

lighting. (Source: 1)

Short-Term: Safety: Provide

lighting at VA 601/VA 40


DSL, CSA, Long: Upgrade

roadway to current design standards

to accommodate truck traffic safely.

(Source: 1)

2 Lunenburg

VA 138 (South Hill Road)

from East Corporate

Limits Kenbridge / VA

601 (Lambert Springs

Road / Fletcher Chapel

Road) to VA 137 (Dundas

Road) / VA 609 (Afton

Congestion: Congestion

along roadway, as reported

by locality. New business

in Industrial Park will

increase traffic, including

trucks. (Source: 1)

Mid-Term: Congestion: Add

southbound left turn lane at

Industrial Park access. (Source: 1)

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Grove Road)

3 Lunenburg

VA 40 from Charlotte

County Line to VA 49


Congestion: Need for

improvement was identified

by SMS database. (Source:


Long-Term: Congestion: Rural - 2

Lane 24 Feet. (Source: 2)

4 Lunenburg

VA 49 from VA 675 to

West Corporate Limits of


Congestion: Segment will

operate at LOS D in 2035.

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Congestion: Poor LOS

likely due to low speeds rather than

constrained capacity. Consider

improvements such as

reconstructing roadway to current

Rural 2 lane standards, reducing

"No Passing" zones and adding

additional passing lanes. (Source:


5 Lunenburg

VA 622 from VA 688

West to Charlotte County


Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

22 Feet. (Source: 3)

6 Lunenburg VA 630 from VA 632 /

VA 760 to VA 631 East

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

20 Feet. (Source: 1)

7 Lunenburg VA 630 from VA 631 East

to VA 49

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

20 Feet. (Source: 3)

8 Lunenburg VA 635 from VA 639 to

VA 655

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

22 Feet. (Source: 3)

9 Lunenburg VA 635 from VA 655 to

VA 643

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

22 Feet. (Source: 3)

10 Lunenburg

VA 637 (Craig Mill Road)

from Mecklenburg County

Line to VA 636

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

22 Feet. (Source: 3)

11 Lunenburg VA 637 (Craig Mill Road)

from VA 636 to VA 613

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

22 Feet. (Source: 3)

12 Lunenburg

VA 613 from VA 637

(Craig Mill Road) to VA


Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

20 Feet. (Source: 1)

13 Lunenburg VA 613 from VA 609 to

VA 138

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

20 Feet. (Source: 3)

14 Lunenburg VA 616 from VA 602 to

Brunswick County Line

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

24 Feet. (Source: 1)

15 Lunenburg VA 626 from VA 683 to

VA 666

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

22 Feet. (Source: 3)

16 Lunenburg VA 626 from VA 666 to

VA 662 West

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

22 Feet. (Source: 1)

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17 Lunenburg

VA 662 (Nutbush Road)

from VA 626 West to VA


Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

22 Feet. (Source: 3)

18 Lunenburg

VA 662 (Nutbush Road)

from VA 625 to Prince

Edward County Line

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

22 Feet. (Source: 3)

19 Lunenburg VA 701 from VA 684 to

VA 728

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

22 Feet. (Source: 3)

20 Lunenburg VA 631 (Lee's Mill Road)

Over Knight's Creek

Safety: Identified as

needing bridge

replacement. (UPC 2015).

(Source: 5)

Short-Term: Safety: Replace

Bridge. (Source: 4)

21 Lunenburg VA 718 Over Beaver Pond


Safety: Identified as

needing bridge

replacement. (UPC T6680).

(Source: 5)

Short-Term: Safety: Replace

bridge. (Source: 4)





VA 1116 (Commerce

Street) from VA 1101 to

VA 1102

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Rural - 2 Lane

24 Feet. (Source: 1)

23 Lunenburg


VA 734 from VA 40 / VA

49 to VA 1008

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Urban - 2

Lane. (Source: 1)

24 Lunenburg


VA 1024 (Tidewater

Avenue) from VA 1036 to

VA 661

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Urban - 2

Lane. (Source: 1)

25 Lunenburg


VA 662 from VA 1011 to

VA 1015

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Urban - 2

Lane. (Source: 1)

26 Lunenburg


VA 1001 (6th Street) from

VA 1010 to VA 653

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Urban - 2

Lane. (Source: 3)

27 Lunenburg


VA 1002 from VA 1010 to

VA 653

Safety: Geometric

Deficiency (2009).

(Source: 3)

Long-Term: Safety: Urban - 2

Lane. (Source: 3)

Sources of Deficiencies:

1: SCP: Safety/Cong Priority List

2: SMS: SMS (State Mobility System)

3: SPS: SPS database

4: CDA: Crash Database

5: 6YR: Six Year Implement Program

6: SUA: Small Urban Area Plans

7: HRR: High Risk Rural Roads

8: STA: STARS project

9: LOC: Local Recommendations

10: TIA: Proffer/Traffic Impact Analysis

11: OTH: Others

Sources of Recommendations:

1: DSL: DSL Studies

2: SMS: SMS (State Mobility System)

3: SPS: SPS database

4: 6YR: Six year transportation improvement program

5: SUA: Small Urban Area Plans

6: HRR: High Risk Rural Roads

7: STA: STARS project

8: LOC: Local Recommendations

9: TIA: Proffer/Traffic Impact Analysis

10: OTH: Others

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Roadways Transportation for the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria consists primarily of its roadways. Presently, the major roadways in this area are:

• Virginia Route 40, a two-lane undivided roadway, serves the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge, and the Town of Victoria. This roadway connects with U.S. Route 360 on the western side of the County and, continuing through Blackstone connects with U.S. Route 460 on the North.

• Virginia Route 49, a two-lane undivided roadway, leads from the Town of Victoria in a north-northeastern direction through Crewe and connecting to U.S. Route 460.

• Virginia Route 138, a two-lane undivided roadway, leads east from the Town of Kenbridge toward Interstate Route 85.


Beginning in 2002, the Department adopted an asset management approach to planning, budgeting, and execution of maintenance and operations. Under this approach, maintenance and operations budgets are developed and distributed based on the quantity and cost of work needed to preserve, maintain, and operate at a target condition or level of service for roadway assets VDOT is responsible for. Data on asset inventory (counts and total quantities) are collected by contractors and VDOT staff either on an annual or on-going basis. Statistical extrapolation is used to fill gaps where data has not been collected. VDOT performs maintenance work on assets and provides services which it groups into five categories based on functional similarity: Work Category Example assets and services Roadway Pavement, bridges, shoulders, tunnels Traffic and Safety Guardrail, signs, markings, signals, lighting Emergency Response ITS assets, snow and ice removal, incident response Roadside Vegetation, drainage, barriers Facility, Equip, and Other Services Rest areas, ferries, equipment, administration

Maintenance activities can be described as:

• Ordinary Maintenance—work that preserves roadway assets, corrects minor defects or problems, and extends the life of the asset.

• Planned Preventive Maintenance—any planned activity performed in advance of a need or repair or in advance of accumulated deterioration. PM is planned, cyclical, not condition based, and does not add structural capacity to the pavement structure.

• Repair/Corrective Maintenance—work that is required to return a damaged or deteriorated asset to design functionality and capability.

• Restore/Replace Activities—the replacement or complete restoration of assets that cannot be repaired.

• Major Rehabilitation—applies to bridges and pavement only. This work includes full depth reconstruction where the entire pavement asset is removed and replaced. The work may also include restoring structural integrity or correcting major safety defects for bridges and pavements.

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VDOT uses inventory and condition data, as well as unit cost of maintenance, replacement, operations activities, and performance targets to determine the quantity and cost of activities needed to reach and maintain the network of assets at a targeted level of condition or level of service. The Statewide maintenance and operations allocation is then distributed to the nine construction districts using district level information from the needs assessment. District allocations are distributed at the program level. Districts then distribute funds from their allocation to their residencies, area headquarters, and district offices. Once each organizational unit in the maintenance and operations program receives their budget, they develop more detailed plans for where the money will be spent over the course of the fiscal year. The detailed budgets are then uploaded to the financial management system where they are managed against expenditures. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) maintains and provides maintenance funds for the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria’s road system. The criteria for the amount of funding depend on whether a road is classified as primary or secondary. Primary roads are a statewide network connecting cities, towns and other points of interest. They include all roads with state and federal route numbers below 600 and numbered roads that serve as extensions to primary roads. All other public roads in the area are secondary roads.

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There are nine (9) construction districts in the State. The County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria are included in the Richmond District. This District covers a total of fourteen (14) counties, which include: Amelia, Brunswick, Charles City, Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, New Kent, Nottoway, Powhatan and Prince George.

VDOT Richmond District

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Level of Service Level of Service A: Free-flow traffic with individual users virtually unaffected by the presence of others in the traffic stream. Level of Service B: Stable traffic flow with a high degree of freedom to select speed and operating conditions but with some influence from other users. The following pages report the level of service analyses (existing and future) for Lunenburg County.

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Highway Functional Classification Plan Functional classification is the process by which streets and highways are grouped into classes, or systems, according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Basic to this process is the recognition that individual roads and streets do not serve travel independently in any major way, but serve as part of an overall network. Most travel involves movement throughout the network of roadways. It becomes necessary to determine how this travel can be channelized within the network in a logical and efficient manner. Functional classification defines the nature of this channelization process by defining the part that any particular road or street should play in serving the flow of trips through a highway network. The Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT) Transportation and Mobility Planning Division (TMPD) is responsible for maintaining the Commonwealth’s official Federal Functional Classification System. TMPD determines the functional classification of the road by type of trips, expected volume, what systems the roadway connects and whether the proposed functional classification falls within the mileage percentage thresholds established by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Functional class impacts several factors including:

• Functional classification determines road design features. Applicable geometric design standards of the VDOT Road Design Manual (which adopts the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials' (AASHTO) 2011 Green Book’s design level-of-service guidance on pages 2-66 and 2-67), as well as local and/or Subdivision Street Requirements relating to 24 VAC 30-91, collector or arterial standards.

• The eligibility of federal transportation funds for road improvements and maintenance.

• The frequency of VDOT maintenance inspections and prohibitions on vehicle parking on certain roads to reserve through lanes for peak period use.

• Development and/or maintenance of local roads, which are ineligible for federal funding and responsibilities for this class of roads are private, local and/or state government concerns.

• Access management features (spacing-frequency and/or type of access such as interchanges, intersections, and roadside entrance, exit and/or driveway points).

• Eligibility for traffic calming measures.

• Data-record group types, such as mileage table records for certain road classes.

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Functional Classification

As noted above, Lunenburg County has the following types of roads delineated in the 2014 Approved Functional Classification: Other Principal Arterial, Minor Arterial, Major Collector, and Minor Collector. Other Principal Arterials (Highlighted in Red) The classification of Other Principal Arterials differs based on whether the facility is located in an urban or rural area. In rural areas, Other Principal Arterials serve corridor movements of substantial statewide or interstate travel and provides an integrated network without stub connections (dead ends). This network connects all or nearly all Urbanized Areas and a large majority of Urban Clusters with populations of 25,000 and over. Minor Arterials (Highlighted in Green) Minor Arterials provide service for trips of moderate length, serve geographic areas that are smaller than their higher Arterial counterparts and offer connectivity to the higher Arterial system. Classification is based on whether the facility is in an urban or rural area. In rural areas, Minor Arterials link cities and large towns, along with other major traffic generators, and form an integrated network providing interstate and inter-county service. The design in rural areas typically provides for relatively high overall speeds, with minimum interference to the through movement. Minor Arterials are spaced at intervals, consistent with population density, so that all developed

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areas within the state are within a reasonable distance of an arterial roadway. They also provide service to corridors with trip lengths and travel density greater than those served by rural collectors or local systems. Major Collector (Highlighted in Purple) Major Collector routes are longer in length; have lower connecting driveway densities; have higher speed limits; are spaced at greater intervals; have higher annual average traffic volumes; and may have more travel lanes than minor collectors may. In rural areas, Major Collectors provide service to any county seat not on an arterial system, to larger towns not directly served by higher systems. Major Collectors also link these places to nearby larger towns and cities or with arterial routes and serve the most important intra-county travel corridor. Minor Collector (Highlighted in Yellow) In rural areas, minor collectors are spaced at intervals, consistent with population density. Minor Collectors collect traffic from local roads and bring all developed areas within a reasonable distance of a collector road. Minor Collector facilities provide service to the remaining smaller communities and link local traffic generators with their rural hinterland. VDOT Six Year Improvement Plan The Six-Year Improvement Program (SYIP) is a document that outlines planned spending for transportation projects proposed for construction development or study for the next six years.

The SYIP is updated annually and is the means by which the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) meets its statutory obligation under the Code of Virginia to allocate funds to interstate, primary, secondary and urban highway systems, public transit, ports and airports and other programs for the immediate fiscal year.

The SYIP also identifies planned program funding for the succeeding five fiscal years.

The CTB allocates funds for the first fiscal year of the SYIP, but the remaining five years are estimates of future allocations. Fiscal years start July 1 and end June 30.

Although the Department of Transportation has authority for the construction and maintenance of the secondary road system, Virginia laws create a partnership between the Department and the County Board of Supervisors in improving local transportation. The Board of Supervisors has the responsibility for establishing priorities for the Secondary Six-Year Plan. Typically, in the fall of each year, workshops are held with the Board of Supervisors to develop a list of project priorities for the updated Secondary Six Year Plan. Once a draft is established, the county and VDOT will schedule the annual Secondary Six-Year Plan public hearing usually in the first quarter of the calendar year. These hearings gather information from the public to consider projects in the county to be added in the Secondary Six-Year Plan. Over the last several years the distribution of transportation dollars has transformed. Fiscal Year 2010 was the last year in which available funds were distributed through the original construction formula – 40% to the primary system, 30% to the secondary system, and 30% to the urban system. Even though it has been years since funds were distributed in this manner, many localities have unspent and/or uncommitted formula funds. The 2016 Appropriations Act included language pertaining to the balance of funds provided by the previous Primary, Secondary and Urban construction formulas. The language provides an opportunity for localities to work with the Department to use these funds to advance priority

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transportation projects. Any remaining formula funds as of January 1, 2018 will be transferred to the new State of Good Repair program unless they are allocated to a fully funded and active project.

The following chart lists project included in the SYIP for FY 2018:

Various sections of the Code of Virginia provide localities the opportunity to administer transportation projects financed by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and to supplement the funding of projects within their jurisdictions. VDOT Projects awarded in recent years for the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge, and the Town of Victoria include the following:

• Lunenburg County HB2 Application – Route 675 (Hardy Road) Improvements

Project, Total Budget - $1,412,286, Grant Request - $1,412,286

Grant Award - $1,412,286 (FHWA Highway Safety Improvement Program)

• Town of Kenbridge VDOT Safe Routes to School Project - Total Budget - $55,400

Grant Funds - $55,400

• Town of Victoria VDOT Enhancement Project, Downtown Streetscape - Phase IB,

Total Budget - $773,386.92, Grant Funds - $618,709.53

• Town of Victoria VDOT Enhancement Streetscape Project (Phase IA), Total

Budget - $991,030, Grant Funds - $787,000

• Town of Victoria VDOT Safe Routes to School Project, Total Budget - $107,000,

Grant Funds - $107,000

• Town of Victoria VDOT Enhancement Streetscape Project (Phase I - Design)

Total Budget –$250,000

Recreational Trail Projects funded through the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation included:

• Town of Victoria VDCR Recreational Trails Grant Application (Part 2) Total Budget

- $69,000

• Town of Victoria VDCR Recreational Trails Grant Application (Part 1)

Total Budget - $69,000

Estimate Previous FY18 FY19-23 Balance

60007 #SGR RTE 621 - REPLACE BRIDGE (FED ID 11603) 621 Richmond Secondary Lunenburg County $2,171 $2,171 $0 $0 $0

100977 RTE 631 - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT (FED. ID 11617) 631 Richmond Secondary Lunenburg County $1,549 $1,180 $368 $0 $0



COUNTY 675 Richmond Secondary Lunenburg County $2,229 $0 $0 $2,229 $0

Six Year Improvement Plan (FY 2018)

Lunenburg County Projects

UPC Description Route District Road System Jurisdiction (Values in Thousands of Dollars)

Total Line Item Estimate: $5,949 (K)

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Public Transportation

Residents of the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria have limited access to public transportation. This is a common characteristic of the region as a whole. Services are extremely limited in the Commonwealth Regional Council planning district, with vast areas and many communities not served by the limited transportation systems that do exist.

In 1998, the Piedmont Planning District Commission assisted the Town of Victoria in their application for grant monies for an experimental/demonstration pilot program. The funds were awarded by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (VDRPT) to start up a public transit system. This system—Town and County Bus System—operated as a deviated-fixed route and was an extension of the Central Virginia Transit System. The Central Virginia Transit System is no longer in operation. However, the Blackstone Area Bus System (BABS) currently operates the Town and County Bus Transit System that serves the Lunenburg County Courthouse area, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

The Town and County Bus System is Federal and State/Local funded on an equal basis.

STEPS, Inc. is an internationally accredited, multifaceted regional nonprofit with a 37-year history of positive results to help people break the cycles of poverty. STEPS, Inc. through its designation as the Community Action Agency for Lunenburg County, creates effective partnerships with local governments, state agencies and other non-profits, private businesses and faith communities to achieve success. STEPS, Inc. has a four pillar approach: 1) Workforce Development services for individuals with disabilities, those receiving public assistance, seniors and citizens looking to

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upgrade their employment; 2) Economic Development, including operating three commercial lines of business: Recycling, Secure Document Shredding and Industrial Sewing; 3) Housing services including delivering services to prevent homelessness and reduce the energy cost burden for residents in our community; and 4) Education services including operating Head Start and Early Head Start services. STEPS has a facility located in the Town of Victoria. STEPS provides van service to and from the workplace for their employees with disabilities. Work trips consist of 2 buses in the morning and returning in the afternoon. Additional public transportation routes in the County and Towns would assist workers with transportation to and from work, as well as enabling residents to have more freedom to travel to larger towns in the geographical area. Individuals seeking gainful employment are hindered by this lack of service, as many are unable to afford reliable personal transportation. It may be useful to consider a joint study/survey among residents to determine what services residents would utilize and find beneficial, as the current availability of reliable public transportation could be expanded. Rail Service

No local passenger rail service exists for Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge or the Town of

Victoria. However, the Buckingham Branch Railroad travels through Lunenburg County near

Meherrin and parallels U.S. Route 360.

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The Virginia Southern Division became the BB’s third division when Buckingham Branch leased from Norfolk Southern the 59-mile section of track for operation between Burkeville, VA and Clarksville, VA in 2009. The Virginia Southern interchanges with Norfolk Southern at Burkeville. The BB Z523 train crew is based in Keysville and provides train services on the Virginia Southern. The Virginia Southern track crosses scenic Buggs Island Lake at Clarksville. The BB has transload sites available at Clarksville and two sites at Keysville. Points of origin and destination for freight include Burkeville, Green Bay, Meherrin, Chase City, Keysville and Clarksville. The Buckingham Branch is a short line railroad. Short lines typically have fewer than 350 miles of railroad track and annual revenues of less than $50,000,000. There are about 550 short line railroads in North America. Short lines combined operate 50,000 miles of railroad track, about 40% of all railroad track miles in North America. One in every four cars of freight either originates or terminates on short line railroads. The Buckingham Branch is the largest of nine short line railroads in Virginia. The Norfolk-Southern Corporation is a product of the merger between the Norfolk Western and Southern Railroad systems. The result of the merger included downsizing of the regional railroad operations. Although Norfolk-Southern Corporation no longer offers passenger service, Amtrak passenger service is available in Richmond. In 1998, the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation completed the Bristol Rail Passenger Study. That study recommended connecting Richmond with Southwestern Virginia, and Washington, D.C., with passenger rail service. Thus, a statewide committee has been established to advance the creation of the TransDominion Express (TDX).

The study further concluded that by providing an efficient and needed alternative to automobile travel, the TDX would decrease traffic congestion on highways, reduce air pollution, increase safety, and stimulate tourism and commerce.

The TDX is a proposed passenger rail service, crossing the Commonwealth of Virginia on existing tracks by using modern “European-style” rail cars for maximum safety and comfort. Full wheelchair access, even between cars, would be available. The TDX would primarily operate on tracks owned by Norfolk-Southern Corporation, with the exception of small sections owned by Amtrak and CSX. Some improvements would be made to existing tracks, such as installing spurs to allow freight and passenger traffic to share the same tracks, as well as other improvements to provide a smoother, faster ride for passengers. Modern trains can safely maintain higher speeds than the older rail cars currently in use in Virginia. Consequently, travel time between destinations on the TDX would be comparable to automobile travel times, without the hassles or delays of highway traffic. Compared to highway projects (in which the addition of two additional lanes to existing interstate highways can cost $10 million), the TransDominion Express would be relatively inexpensive to introduce. Total capital costs to improve existing tracks and stations and to acquire equipment, should be less than $100 million for the entire 500-mile system.

To date, more than 150 counties, cities, chambers of commerce, and planning divisions have passed resolutions supporting expanded passenger rail in the Commonwealth. Support of the more than 20 colleges and universities located along the route is in the interest of students, faculty members, and parents. The Rail Passenger Study predicts that within 12 years, operating costs of the train would be completely covered by ticket sales. (The fare is estimated to be $.20 per mile—or approximately $70 to ride from Southwestern Virginia to Washington, D.C.). It is

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expected that 372,000 passengers will ride the trains annually, increasing to nearly 800,000 by 2020. (A similar rail system, The Amtrak Cascades line in the Pacific Northwest, met its ridership projections within just a few years of initiating service.) Not only does the TDX route offer complete rail service from Bristol all the way to Washington, D.C., or Richmond, it also offers the convenience of shorter travel to a number of points along the way. The closest staffed stations to the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria would include Richmond, Lynchburg and Charlottesville, while Appomattox County would offer a non-staffed station. This information was obtained from the TransDominion Express website ( Effective Friday, 15 July 2005, no train service of any type, passenger or freight, will be available in Farmville, as Norfolk-Southern Railway Corporation has abandoned the 33.8 mile section of track that runs through Farmville due to a decrease in the coal business. Motor Freight Carriers The trucking lines which serve the County are: Estes, Parrish, Roadway, Old Dominion, Overnite, Wilson, UPS, FedEx and DHL. Airports

The Lunenburg County Municipal Airport, located between the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of

Victoria, provides general aviation facilities for light aircraft (See map on the following page). The

airport has a 3,000-foot paved lighted runway. This is a part-time attended facility (on-call for

fueling), which uses VFR (Visual Flight Rule) TFR (Temporary Flight Restrictions) and IFR

(Instrument Flight Rules). Presently “No Limit Sky Diving” is a skydiving club that operates at the

Airport on a regular basis. Currently, there is no commercial user for shipping or receiving at the

location. The Lunenburg County Airport Commission is constantly applying for, and many times

receiving, grants from the state and federal aviation departments to upgrade and improve the

airport. The County of Lunenburg, the Town and Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria jointly own

the Lunenburg County Airport.

Other neighboring air facilities include the Allan C. Perkinson Municipal Airport, a joint airport of the Town of Blackstone and Fort Pickett Army Reservation; the Farmville Regional Airport; and the Crewe Municipal Airport. The nearest commercial airline terminal is the Richmond International Airport (75 miles) located east of the City of Richmond. Airfreight service is available. Raleigh-Durham International Airport (102 miles) also provides commercial and freight service. See map on next page.

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Lunenburg County Airport

Sidewalks Sidewalks in the Town of Kenbridge, maintained by VDOT, are located from South Broad Street down Fifth Avenue to the gym; South Broad Street to Station Street; Main Street to the car wash; and, North Broad Street to the school. Most sidewalks in the Town of Kenbridge meet current ADA regulations. Sidewalks in the Town of Victoria are maintained by VDOT and most have been adapted for handicapped accessibility. Sidewalks extend south to Central High School; west to Timmy’s Grocery; east past the old Victoria High School/Lee Avenue; and north to the STEPS Head Start facility.

Other than in the immediate vicinity of the Lunenburg County Courthouse Historic District, there are no sidewalks in the County.

Regional Bicycle Plan

In June 2000, the Piedmont Planning District Commission (PPDC) prepared the Piedmont Regional Bicycle Plan in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and Virginia Department of Transportation. The FY 2002 Rural Transportation

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Planning Grant under the Rural Transportation Program funded the project. In order for any locality or region to be eligible for VDOT funding for highway projects, including bicycle facilities, the local government participating must have an adopted bicycle plan. The Commonwealth Regional Council (formerly the PPDC) completed the CRC Bicycle Plan Update in 2010. The Updated Plan was adopted by the Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors in September 2018; by the Kenbridge Town Council in July 2018; and, by the Victoria Town Council in September 2018.

The Transportation Alternatives (TA) Set-Asides Program replaced the Transportation Alternatives Program.

Through the FAST Act, this program identifies 4 categories of eligibility for the Transportation

Alternatives Program:

• Transportation Alternatives

• Safe Routes to School

• Boulevards in former Interstate System Routes

• Recreational Trails

There is a separate sub-apportionment for the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) which in Virginia, is administered by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). s provides funding opportunities to help expand transportation choices and enhance the transportation experience through 10 eligible activities related to surface transportation. See Transportation Alternatives eligible activities below: • Construction of on-road and off-road facilities for pedestrians, bicycles and other non-

motorized transportation users • Construction of infrastructure-related projects and systems that will provide safe routes for

non-drivers to access daily needs • Conversion and use of abandoned railroad corridors for pedestrians, bicycles and other non-

motorized transportation users • Construction of turnouts, overlooks and viewing areas • Inventory, control or removal of outdoor advertising • Historic preservation and rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities • Vegetation management practices in transportation rights-of-way • Archeological activities relating to impacts from implementation of a transportation project • Environmental mitigation activities to decrease the negative impacts of roads on the natural

environment due to highway run-off and water pollution • Wildlife mortality mitigation activities to decrease the negative impacts of roads on wildlife

and habitat connectivity Up to 80 percent of a TA projects can be financed with Federal Surface Transportation Program funds. A minimum of 20 percent must come from other public or private sources. Some types of federal funds from other federal agencies are allowable for the required match. Some other funding opportunities such as Smart Scale, Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), and Revenue Sharing can be used for project match.

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A sample of funded projects in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria in the past have been:

• Town of Kenbridge VDOT Safe Routes to School Project (SRTS) Total Budget -

$55,400, Grant Funds $55,400

• Town of Victoria VDOT Enhancement Project, Downtown Streetscape - Phase IB,

Total Budget - $773,386.92, Grant Funds - $618,709.53

• Town of Victoria VDOT Enhancement Streetscape Project (Phase IA), Total

Budget - $991,030, Grant Funds - $787,000

• Town of Victoria VDOT Enhancement Streetscape Project (Phase I - Design)

Total Budget –$250,000

Smart Scale: Virginia’s SMART SCALE (§33.2-214.1) is about picking the right transportation projects for funding and ensuring the best use of limited tax dollars. It is the method of scoring planned projects included in VTrans that are funded by House Bill 1887. Transportation projects are scored based on an objective, outcome-based process that is transparent to the public and allows decision-makers to be held accountable to taxpayers. Once projects are scored and prioritized, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) has the best information possible to select the right projects for funding. Funding for project prioritization comes from two main pathways —the construction District Grants Program (DGP) and the High-Priority Projects Program (HPPP). Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP): The federal aid contributes 90 to 100 percent of certain safety improvements. Revenue Sharing: Locality funds are matched with state funds for qualifying projects, up to $10,000,000.

C. Natural, Scenic and Historic Resources Introduction

Many historic sites exist throughout the county and towns. Of these, some have been placed in the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places. The preservation of historic sites within the county should be of concern to the citizens of each local jurisdiction. Through the preservation of areas that have played a significant role in the early development of the locality, state, or nation, present and future generations will be able to visualize and respect the events of the past. If not identified and preserved, historic sites soon are lost to posterity. These sites are assets to the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge, and the Town of Victoria.

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Virginia’s Crossroads

Virginia’s Crossroads (formerly Virginia’s Retreat) was organized in March 1993, to explore ways that several counties within Planning District 14, as well as other counties/cities outside the region could work together to promote the region’s rich abundance of natural and historical resources. Representatives of these localities, working closely with the Virginia Division of Tourism, the Virginia Division of State Parks and the National Park Service, held a planning retreat in April 1993, to design a strategy for accomplishing the Consortium’s mission—increase tourism and economic development activity in this region of Virginia. Virginia’s Crossroads has continued its successful mission of increasing tourism, economic activity and quality of life in the participating Southside Virginia localities through the promotion, preservation, enhancement and education of the region’s natural, recreational and historic resources. Since the initial organization, Lunenburg has become a member of this Consortium.

Virginia’s Crossroads

Civil Rights in Education Heritage Trail In March 2004, Virginia’s Retreat kicked off the grand opening of the Civil Rights in Education Heritage Trail. The project is modeled after the successful Lee’s Retreat Trail and the Wilson-Kautz Raid Driving Trail. Instead of focusing on the Civil War, the Heritage Trail highlights contributions made to bring equal education to all Americans. The trail includes 41 sites throughout 13 counties and the City of Petersburg that describe the history of education in Southside Virginia. There are two stops in Lunenburg County, one of which is in the Town of Victoria.

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• Stop 21-The People’s Community Center, Victoria: On May 13, 1947, when several African-American leaders met in Victoria, the idea to build a community center was born. John E. Williams, a local mortician and shoe repair shop owner, led the effort in planning, promoting and executing the plan for a new building. With minimal funding and freely given volunteer labor, the cinder block building was constructed and paid for through a variety of fundraising activities. From 1952 – 1969, the Center was used by the African-American high school for graduations, basketball games, proms and other countywide school related events. As a result of heavy snowfall and ice accumulation, the roof collapsed and the Center was closed in 1996. However, through coordinated private and public efforts, it was rebuilt and reopened on September 9, 2000.

• Stop 22-St Matthew’s

Lutheran Church Christian Day School, Meherrin: In 1880, with land and logs donated by the Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Buehler, a chapel/school building, costing $200, was erected and dedicated in 1881. This was the first black church to own its own parsonage and cemetery. Under the leadership of Mrs. Rahab Jackson, the building served as the only school in the immediate area for educating elementary age African –American children when Prince Edward County Schools were closed. Parents, who could afford transportation, sent their high school age children to Lunenburg High School in Victoria, which operated from 1917 to 1969.

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Wilson-Kautz Raid Driving Trail

In June 2002, the Wilson-Kautz Raid Driving Trail officially opened. This 300-mile driving tour begins in Petersburg and follows the route of the South Side Railroad Raid (June 22-July 1, 1864) of General James H. Wilson and General August V. Kautz during Grant’s Petersburg Campaign. The trail winds through many of Southside Virginia’s small towns, where the rural landscape has changed little since the Wilson-Kautz Raid. There are two stops in Lunenburg County, one of which is in the Town of Kenbridge.

• Stop 12-Meherrin: Wilson, entrenched at Nottoway Court House, received word of Kautz’s success in Burkeville early on the morning of June 24, 1864. Based on this information, he decided to withdraw from the field and merge with Kautz at Meherrin.

• Stop 21-St Paul’s and St Andrew Episcopal Church (Town of Kenbridge-Lunenburg County): While passing through Lunenburg County some raiders reportedly took a silver service valued at $5,000 from a resident. Many other residences were also reportedly robbed by Federal troops passing through seeking plunder. What was viewed locally as the most outrageous action was the plundering of St John’s Church where a silver communion service set was stolen. Confederate Cavalry at Reams Station fortunately later recovered this communion set which is now displayed in the Ripberger Library in the Town of Kenbridge.

The Wilson-Kautz Raid occurred as Union troops approached the Richmond-Petersburg area. General Ulysses S. Grant wanted to avoid a prolonged siege. He ordered Generals James Wilson and August Kautz to use their cavalry divisions to destroy rail lines throughout Southside Virginia.

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By cutting the Confederate Army’s supply lines, Grant believed he could end the conflict more quickly. In addition to destroying rail lines, federal troops burned sawmills, gristmills and stocks of grain, cotton, and tobacco. The turning point of the mission was when Union troops attempted to cross the Staunton River Bridge in Charlotte County. The Confederate Army pushed the Union troops back to Petersburg.

Virginian Railway Heritage Trail The purpose of the Virginian Railway Heritage Trail is to recognize surviving locations in Virginia and West Virginia which are important in the history of the railroad. The Victoria Railroad Park is a location that is featured on the Trail.

Virginia Landmarks Register/National Register of Historic Places

Within the Commonwealth Regional Council district there are many sites that are well known for their historical nature. The following are those sites that are in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria:

• Lunenburg Courthouse Historic District, Lunenburg County – listed in 1972. The small

village of Lunenburg has changed little in size or appearance since antebellum times. The imposing Courthouse in the Jeffersonian Roman Revivalism style, a two-story, brick temple-form building fronted by a tetra style Roman Doric portico, dominates the area. To the west of the Courthouse is a colonial style story-and-a-half brick structure built in 1938; to the east is a large, hipped-roof frame house which was once a tavern known as the Lunenburg State Inn. Directly across the road is an early nineteenth century frame structure known as the Hotel Gary. This building has at various times accommodated a store, inn, post office, and residence. In addition to these chief structures, the village also contains a sprinkling of other nineteenth century buildings and outbuildings.

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• Flat Rock (Old Bagley House), Kenbridge – listed in 1979. As it now stands, Flat Rock

is a two-story, three-bay structure flanked by one-story one-bay wings. It was built in several sections during the first half of the nineteenth century and set upon a hill overlooking the rolling hills south of Kenbridge. This substantial, but unpretentious plantation is of significance to the study of vernacular building in Southside Virginia, as at the time of its construction in the late eighteenth century it was unusually large for the locality. The sets of hexagonal chimneystacks atop each chimney are a distinctive feature of the house. Near the house are an early outbuilding, the remains of another, and a noteworthy signed mid-nineteenth century monument, as well as a plank constructed smokehouse and a large granite lined icehouse pit.

• Victoria High School, Victoria – listed in 1996. The symmetrical one-story brick

building, graced by a Doric portico and other Classical Revival details, dating to a 1928 remodeling, represents a prominent local example of architectural classicism. The school also preserves remnants of a sophisticated ventilation and natural lighting system. Victoria High School served as the Town of Victoria’s principal public school building for white students from the date of its construction in 1922-23 until 1966, when a racially integrated facility to include students from the Town of Kenbridge was constructed on a suburban site east of town--Central Senior High School. At that time the Victoria High School was vacated.

• Jones Farm, Kenbridge – listed in 1996. The Jones Farm, a Southside Virginia tobacco

farm located along Flat Rock Creek, is composed of a main dwelling house, three tenant farmhouses and associated farm outbuildings. Relatively unaltered since about 1846, the main house has maintained its architectural integrity from the mid-nineteenth century, when it was a two-story I-house with an ell. This large tobacco farm flourished and enjoyed success throughout the last half of the nineteenth century and into the twentieth century. The Jones farm moved from an antebellum slave-era economy to a tenant farming economy. After the Civil War, tenant farming was incorporated into the farm’s economy and continued through the 1960s.

• Brickland, Lunenburg County – listed in 2005. Brickland, constructed in signature fine

Flemish Bond brickwork, is a Federal-style antebellum dwelling that was once the seat of a large plantation. The house was built in two sections—1818 and 1822—each with its own separate entrance. The interior of the house reflects the Federal style in its plasterwork, mantels, stairs, wainscoting and woodwork. Set in a rural location within its own landscaped park, the site incorporates a fine collection of period outbuildings to include a pump house, smoke house, Lunenburg County’s first post office, a summer kitchen and barns. The house was sympathetically updated ca. 1920 to incorporate a kitchen, electricity and plumbing. In 2004 the present owners worked to restore the home to its original state.

• Fifth Avenue Historic District, Kenbridge – listed in 2005. The Fifth Avenue Historic

District is a linear, five-block, residential district, arrayed on both sides of Fifth Avenue between Broad and Maple streets encompassing sixty-three contributing buildings. This District contains the earliest dwellings built in the Town of Kenbridge, the second largest town in Lunenburg County, for some of its most prominent citizens. Set back

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from the wide two-lane road, the homes have broad lawns with mature trees and plantings. Constructed between 1890 and 1930, a variety of architectural styles, including Queen Anne, Colonial Revival and Bungalow/Craftsman, are represented.

Following recommendations of the Kenbridge Historic Preservation Commission, additional sites in the Town of Kenbridge were designated by the Town Council in October 2004 as Historic Districts. They are:

• East Fifth Avenue from Hawthorne to Broad Street • South Broad Street from Fifth Avenue to Forest Hills Drive and also including house

numbers 905 and 915 on South Broad Street • North Broad Street from Fifth Avenue to North Circle Boulevard • East Sixth Avenue from South Decatur Street to South Broad Street and also including

300 East Sixth Avenue • West Sixth Avenue from Main Street to South Broad Street • South Station Street from Main Street to West Sixth Avenue • Church Street between East Fourth Avenue and East Fifth Avenue • Pine Street between East Fourth Avenue and East Sixth Avenue • Individual properties on East Fourth Avenue, house numbers 413 and 501

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Natural Resources

The Land Surface Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria are located in the Piedmont province where rolling topography is the norm. The County encompasses 443 square miles. Made up largely of hardwoods and pine, the forestland comprises 211,760 acres of the total 282,800 in the County. A large portion of the harvested land is planted with loblolly pine. Topographic relief of the area ranges from 400 to 500 feet above sea level. In general, the land surface slopes gently toward the southeast. Most of the planning area falls within developable limits as far as topography is concerned; however, some narrow strips along streambeds may present land slopes greater than fifteen percent (15 feet for each 100 feet horizontal), which may exclude development. Climate Lunenburg County overall, experiences a generally moderate climate. The summers are hot and muggy, the winters cold and it is wet and partly cloudy year-round. Over the course of a year, the temperature typically varies from 30°F to 89°F and is rarely below 16°F or above 97°F. The hottest days of the year are typically in July, with an average of 89°F and low of 70°F. The coldest days of the year are generally in January, with an average low of 30°F and high of 49°F. See Tables XXXV through XXXVIII for climate information. Source: Weather Spark ( The typical weather in Lunenburg, based on a statistical analysis of historical hourly weather reports and model reconstructions from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 2016.

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TABLE XXXV Lunenburg County

TABLE XXXVI Lunenburg County

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TABLE XXXVII Lunenburg County

TABLE XXXVIII Lunenburg County

The record high for the area was 107 degrees, recorded in 1954; the record low for the area was minus 12 degrees, recorded in 1985. Prevailing winds for most of the year are from the west, while the summer winds are mostly from the south.

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Physiography, Relief, and Drainage

Lunenburg County, to include the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria, is in the Piedmont physiographic province, a gently sloping to steep landform. The area consists of ridges dissected by numerous short drainage ways. The ridges are commonly broader and the side slopes less steep in the eastern half of the county. Slopes are generally steeper near the larger streams. Elevation in the county ranges from about 227 feet above sea level in the southeastern corner of the county to about 600 feet above sea level in the northwestern corner.

The area is divided into two major watersheds, the South Meherrin River basin and the Nottoway River basin. Primarily the Nottoway River and its tributaries—Cedar Creek, Nash Mill Creek, Seay Creek, Big Hounds Creek, Little Hounds Creek, Modest Creek, and Dry Creek, drain the northern part of the county. These streams generally flow to the east and northeast. The South Meherrin River and Meherrin River and the major tributaries of Stony Creek, Flat Rock Creek, North Meherrin River, Middle Meherrin River, and the Juniper Creek drain the southern part of the county. These streams generally flow to the south and southeast. Soils

There are five series of soils that occur in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria area. The following soil descriptions are intended to show soil limitations for buildings and septic systems in a very general nature. Specific areas may need further study before final decisions are made. Reference is made to slight, moderate, and severe limitations of the soils in the county and towns. Slight limitations indicate there is little or no risk involved. Moderate limitations denote that either further investigation is necessary to determine the risk involved or that some modifications of moderate complexity and cost will or may be necessary to carry out the plan. Severe limitations indicate that very complex and costly modifications will be necessary to carry out the plan.

Appling Association: Gently sloping and sloping, well drained soils formed in material weathered from granite and granite gneiss; on ridge tops and side slopes.

This association consists primarily of long, broad ridges dissected by short drainage ways. The ridgetops are gently sloping, and the sides of the ridges commonly are sloping. Slopes commonly range from about 2 to 30 percent. Small perennial streams drain most areas. Most of the cleared acreage of this association is suitable for cultivated crops and pasture. Much of the association is suitable for community development. The main limitations of the soils are slope and the permeability and clayey texture of the subsoil. Some of the minor soils have poor drainage, are frequently flooded, are steep, or are shallow to bedrock. Cecil-Appling-Madison Association: Gently sloping to moderately steep, well drained soils formed in material weathered from granite, granite gneiss, and mica gneiss; on ridgetops and side slopes.

This association consists primarily of long, broad to narrow ridges dissected by short drainage ways. The ridgetops are gently sloping, and the sides of the ridges are commonly sloping to moderately steep. Slopes commonly range from 2 to 30 percent. Small perennial streams, the Nottoway River, and the North Meherrin River drain most areas. Both the Cecil and the Appling

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soils are gently sloping to moderately sloping while the Madison soils are gently sloping to moderately steep. Much of the cleared acreage of this association is suitable for cultivated crops and pasture as well as community development. The major limitations of the soils are slope and the permeability and clayey texture of the subsoil.

Georgeville-Herndon Association: Gently sloping and sloping, well drained soils formed in material weathered from sericite schist; on ridgetops and side slopes.

This association consists primarily of long, broad to narrow ridges dissected by short drainage ways. The ridgetops are gently sloping, and the sides of the ridges are commonly sloping to steep. Slopes commonly range from about 2 to 45 percent. Most areas are drained by small streams and by the Nottoway River, North Meherrin River, Middle Meherrin River, South Meherrin River, and the Meherrin River. Both the Georgeville and Herndon soils gently sloping and sloping. Much of the cleared acreage of this association is suitable for cultivated crops and pasture as well as community development.

Herndon-Lignum-Orange Association: Nearly level to sloping, well drained to somewhat poorly drained soils formed in material weathered from sericite schist and basic rocks; on ridgetops and side slopes. This association consists primarily of long, broad ridges dissected by short drainage ways. The ridgetops are nearly level or gently sloping, and the sides of the ridges are commonly sloping. Slopes commonly range from about 1 to 30 percent. Most areas are drained by small meandering streams and by the South Meherrin River. About half of the cleared acreage of this association is suitable for cultivated crops and pasture. The steeper areas are less suited for cultivated crops and are mostly in woodland. The Herndon soils are generally suited for community development. Slow permeability, poor drainage, frequent flooding, slope, or the depth to bedrock make the Lignum and Orange soils, as well as most of the minor soils, less suited to community development.

Iredell-Mecklenburg Association: Gently sloping to moderately steep, well drained to somewhat poorly drained soils formed in material weathered from basic rocks; on ridgetops and side slopes.

This association consists primarily of long, broad ridges dissected by short drainage ways. The ridgetops are gently sloping, and the sides of the ridges are commonly sloping to moderately steep. Slopes commonly range from about 2 to 30 percent. Most areas are drained by small perennial streams and by the North Meherrin River, Middle Meherrin River, and South Meherrin River. Most of the acreage of this association is in woodland, but about half of the cleared acreage is suitable and used for cultivated crops and pasture. Most of the acreage in this association is poorly suited for community development. The major limitations are slow permeability, the depth to bedrock, a high shrink-swell potential, low strength, and wetness. Mineral Resources and Industries in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria Mining can have significant economic, social and environmental impact at the local level. A mine has the potential to significantly benefit the local population through the creation of direct and

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indirect employment, skills transfer, enhancement of the capacity of health and education services, improved infrastructure, and small and medium business opportunities. In recent years, state and local governments are being challenged to ensure that the benefits accruing from mining are maximized in a sustainable way and that the negative impacts of the mine are mitigated to the extent that the communities are better advantaged by the presence of a mining investment. The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy exists to enhance the development and conservation of energy and mineral resources in a safe and environmentally sound manner to support a more productive economy in the State. Through resource planning, government works with the public to determine where the important resources are and how the land can be used for the maximum public benefit. Lunenburg County currently has no active rock or mineral production. Historically, in the past, however, granite and schist have been quarried in the County. Schist was produced on the north side of the South Meherrin River near Rocky Mill. This site may have provided the building stone used in the construction of a nearby mill and dam. The Kenbridge granite quarry is located approximately 2 miles southwest of the Town of Kenbridge. The rock at this quarry, known as Red Oak granite, is pinkish-gray, coarse-grained granite gneiss with feldspar phenocrysts about 0.75 inches long. The quarry, operated by C. Markley of Roanoke prior to 1917, produced crushed stone. Later, the Pyramid Granite Company of Philadelphia operated the quarry and produced paving stone, curbstone, and sewer blocks. During the early 1960’s, the Kenbridge quarry was operated by Tidewater Crushed Stone Company and produced riprap used in the construction of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. The large riprap blocks were loaded onto gondola-type rail cars by cranes equipped with grapple hooks. The shipments of rock were sent to Sewells Point in Norfolk where they were loaded onto barges for delivery to the job site. The specifications for the heavy blocks of riprap were for the blocks to be composed of angular stones weighing not less than 2 tons each and not more than 4 tons each, averaging 3 tons each. The width or thickness of any block was not to be less than one-third its length. Gold was reportedly discovered at a site near Meherrin. The locality, known as the Sylvan Stein prospect, is just west of County Road 662. Sand for road construction and local building purposes has been obtained from the Meherrin River along the Lunenburg-Mecklenburg county line near Union Mill Bridge. Clay materials at two localities have been collected, tested, and found to be potentially suitable for brick, tile, and porous and structural clay products. Please see map reflecting the geology and non-fuel mineral mines of Lunenburg County on the next page.

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D. Community Facilities and Services Introduction

Community facilities and services are made possible by individuals, families, businesses and industries working together to serve Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria residents through local government. The provision of such facilities and services is usually determined by the tax income that can be obtained from local population and businesses.

The following inventory analysis summarizes those public resources for which the government of Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria has primary responsibility and control. However, it also considers other important resources and activities of other levels of government such as Federal and State agencies. In addition, some private or quasi-public facilities such as educational institutions and some utility systems are important resources for the local community and must be taken into account when analyzing the full range of public resources available to the citizens of this locality. See maps below.

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Administrative Facilities

Lunenburg County: Lunenburg County owns the entire Courthouse Complex consisting of the new Courthouse which was completed in 2006, old Courthouse, Law Buildings, Combined Courts Building, Human Resource Building, Sheriff Building, and Administration Building. The Courthouse Complex facilities are ADA accessible.

Town of Kenbridge: The Town of Kenbridge owns the Kenbridge Community Center located at 511 East Fifth Avenue, which houses the Town Office and Police Department. Within the Kenbridge Community Center is the renovated auditorium which is being utilized for public forums, plays, performing arts and community events. The building is handicap accessible with ramps and an elevator. Completed in 2006, the facility now has internet service. The Town received a Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission Economic Development Grant to assist in this endeavor.

Additional property owned by the Town is the Kenbridge Gym at 533 Fifth Avenue, the Town Shop at 200 East Seventh Avenue, the Water Filtration Plant at 11903 Craigs Mill Road and the Wastewater Plant at 171 North Maple Street. Town of Victoria: The Municipal Building for the Town of Victoria is located in the former First Citizens Bank building at 1809 Main Street. The former Municipal Building located at 1802 Main Street is now the home of the Victoria Police Department. The Town Shop, located at 1220 Main Street, was acquired in the 1960s.

The Lunenburg County Public Library System operates branches located in Kenbridge (8,000 SF) at 117 Broad Street and in Victoria (5,500 SF) at 1417 Seventh Street. Both branches offer meeting rooms to accommodate various governmental, civic, or private meetings. Hours of operation are: 9:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; 9:00 A.M. until 12 P.M. on Saturday; and closed on Wednesday and Sunday. Education

Lunenburg County Students attend various educational institutions located throughout Lunenburg County, including those schools located in the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

- Kenbridge Elementary School (Kindergarten through Fifth Grade), located at 215 Nottoway Falls Road.

- Victoria Elementary School (Kindergarten through Fifth Grade), is located at 1521 Eighth Street.

- Lunenburg Middle School (Grades Six through Eight) is located at 583 Tomlinson Road, Victoria.

- Central High School located at 131 K-V Road, Victoria, provides public education for high school students in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

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According to the Virginia Department of Education the 2018-19 Fall Membership for Lunenburg County Public Schools is as follows:

2018-19 Fall Membership for Lunenburg County Public Schools

High School Grades 9 – Grade 12 434

Middle School Grades 6 – Grade 8 384

Elementary School Grades K – Grade 5 664

Pre-Kindergarten 69

Total Enrollment 1,551

Source: Virginia Department of Education, School Quality Profile

In addition, Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria have neighboring colleges and universities in Farmville, Prince Edward County and Charlotte County.

Founded in 1839 and located in the Town of Farmville, Longwood University is a four-year state supported coeducational institution that offers majors in 30 undergraduate and 13 graduate academic areas. Known as the Farmville Female College in 1884, it was the first state institution of higher learning for women in the State of Virginia. Longwood became fully coeducational in June 1976. In April 2001, a fire destroyed 200,000 square feet of historic building space, including the signature Rotunda. Groundbreaking for reconstruction of lost buildings began in the summer of 2002, and was completed in the spring of 2005.

Hampden-Sydney College, founded in 1776 and located in the community of Hampden-Sydney, is a private liberal arts institution for men. The college, which is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, offers majors in 20 undergraduate academic areas. Southside Virginia Community College (SVCC) is one (1) of twenty-three (23) colleges in the Virginia Community College System. The John H. Daniel campus is located near Keysville and serves ten counties and one city, making it the largest community college service region in the state. Additionally, the Alberta Campus located to the east of the County and the Lake Country Advance Knowledge Center located in South Hill provides alternative locations for students in the County. There are eight (8) Associate Degree programs and twelve (12) vocational programs from which to choose. The SVCC is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and is approved by the State Department of Education. The college is supported by local, state and federal funds. Also, there is the John Tyler Community College (JTCC) which is located in Chesterfield County and serves the northern area of the county. Water Service

Lunenburg County: Wells provide the main supply of domestic water needs of the County’s rural residents.

Town of Kenbridge: Water source for the Town of Kenbridge is from Flat Rock Creek, from which the Town of Kenbridge Reservoir is filled. The capacity is 37 million gallons. The filtration plant, was built in 1960 and has not been renovated. The average gallons per day is 110,000, design for 750,000 gallons, serving an estimated population of 1,257 people. Town of Victoria: The Town of Victoria receives its water from Nottoway Falls, Lunenburg Lake and Modest Creek. The Town’s 860,000 gallon per day filtration plant, located at the end of Filter

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Plant Road off Route 49 in Victoria, was built in 1970 with renovations in 2005. The pump station and raw water line for Modest Creek was renovated in 2013/2014. Renovations included construction of a new pump station and installation of a new line from Modest Creek to the water filtration facility. The Nottoway River raw water line and pumping station reconstruction project was completed in 2015 and included renovations to the pump station at the Nottoway River, replacement of pumps, installation of backup generator, and replacement of raw water line to the water treatment facility. The average daily use of 300,000 gallons per day serves the Victoria population of 1,725, as well as an additional 2,670 persons (a total of 4,395) when the three schools and correctional facility are factored in.

Sewer Service

Lunenburg County: Individual septic systems provide for rural residents.

Town of Kenbridge: The wastewater facility is located at 177 North Maple Street. It was built in 1920 and has had two major upgrades--one in the early 1960s and the other in 1983. Line work has also been done in some parts of the Town where lines have been replaced or relined. The present capacity of the facility is 600,000 gallons per day; however, the average gallons per day is 200,000, serving an estimated population of 1,257 people. The effluent is discharged into Seay’s Creek.

Town of Victoria: The Town of Victoria operates two wastewater treatment facilities. The West Wastewater facility located off of Grove Avenue began operation in 1969 is a 200,000 gallon per day permitted facility that operates with a lagoon stabilization pond, bulrush rock filter, and rotational biological contactor (RBC). The effluent from this facility is discharged in Couches Creek.

The East Wastewater facility is located at the end of 5th Street and is a 400,000 gallon per day permitted facility. This facility is an activated sludge plant that serves the east side of town. The effluent is discharged into Big Hounds Creek.

Trash Collection

Lunenburg County: Residents use waste receptacles located at the County owned or leased convenience sites throughout the county. The waste receptacles are owned by a private firm, which also provides collection. The private firm owns and operates the landfill located on Old Mansion Road. Convenience sites are located at the Oral Oaks Site, Rocky Mill Site, Owl Creek Site, Nutbush Site, and the Switchback Site. Town of Kenbridge: In the Town of Kenbridge, trash collection is once a week for residents and twice a week for businesses. The residents must provide their own containers; businesses do not have waste receptacles. No additional pickup is offered, and there is no recycling. Trash is deposited in the County Landfill. The Town owns two trash trucks. Town of Victoria: Weekly residential and commercial trash pickup is provided by the Town of Victoria. Trash pickup east of Main Street normally occurs on Monday, west of Main Street normally on Tuesday, and business/commercial normally on Friday. Customers are required to provide their own trash containers that meet the requirements of the Town ordinances. Trash

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collected in town is deposited at the landfill located off of Old Mansion Road. Some business owners have waste receptacles that they have contracted for with private service providers.


Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria have traditional telephone service provided by Centurylink and Verizon. Telephone service is also available in the Town of Kenbridge with Shentel and in the Town of Victoria with Comcast. There are six cellular telephone towers in the county, five are currently operational with service provided by AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint.

There are no radio stations located in the County or the Towns, but the area is served by stations located in the adjoining counties (WFLO, WSVS, and WBBC). Satellite television is available in the area through several providers. Cable television is available in the Town of Kenbridge through Shentel and in the Town of Victoria through Comcast. The Kenbridge Victoria Dispatch has an office located in the Town of Victoria and offers a weekly publication. The area is also served by The Courier-Record published in Blackstone, The South Hill Enterprise published in South Hill and the Southside Messenger published in Keysville. The Mid-Atlantic Broadband Cooperative serves as the backbone for high-speed internet. Utilities Dominion Energy, Southside Electric Cooperative or Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative furnishes electric power to residents, depending on their location in the County. Natural gas is not available in the County or Towns. See Southside Electric Cooperative Coverage Map as well as a Map displaying other electrical coverages on the following pages.

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Law Enforcement & Public Safety

Primary responsibility for law enforcement in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria include property protection, basic complaints, traffic investigation and handling civil papers. Prisoners are transported to the Piedmont Regional Jail in the Town of Farmville for detention. The jail serves Amelia, Buckingham, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward Counties. As of June 2003, a total of 90 persons were employed at this facility. The Virginia State Police Department assists the local authorities when needed.

The 911 System that services Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria is located in and monitored by the Lunenburg Sheriff’s Office that is located in the new Courts Building at 160 Courthouse Square in Lunenburg Courthouse. Lunenburg County: Full time staff consisting of the Sheriff plus 15 Deputies and 4 Dispatchers comprise the Lunenburg County Sheriff’s Department located at 160 Courthouse Square. Town of Kenbridge: Full time staff consisting of the Police Chief and 4 officers located at 511 E. Fifth Avenue. Town of Victoria: Full time staff include four full time police officers who provide services for the Town of Victoria that are supplemented by part-time officers. The Town of Victoria Police Department is located in the former Municipal Building at 1802 Main Street. The Lunenburg Correctional Center is an all-male medium State security dormitory installation, that is authorized to house a maximum of 1,194 inmates, and averages an inmate population of 1,192-1,194. It is located on State Route 49, outside the Town of Victoria. The prison employs approximately 300 persons from the surrounding area. Fire Departments

Lunenburg County: In addition to reliance on the Kenbridge Volunteer Fire Department and Victoria Fire and Rescue Department, the County is served by the Meherrin Fire and Rescue Department. Both towns have hydrants connected to the municipal water system. There are dry hydrants that are located throughout the county at static water sources. Town of Kenbridge: Kenbridge Volunteer Fire Department, an all-volunteer service consisting of 45 personnel, is located at 110 High Street. General operating expenses are paid through Town and County appropriations as well as grants and local fund raising. The Fire Department has mutual agreements with other fire departments for use of equipment when needed.

The Kenbridge Volunteer Fire Department’s vehicle list includes:

• Pumper 1500 GPM

• Tanker 1200 Gallon • Pumper/Tanker 2100 Gallon/1500 GPM • Pumper 1500 GPM • Brush Truck 650 GPM • Pumper 1750 GPM

• Command Unit

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Town of Victoria: Victoria Fire and Rescue is located at 1421 Main Street. General operating expenses are paid through County and Town appropriations, as well as donations and grants. Victoria Fire & Rescue has mutual agreements with Blackstone and South Hill for ladder trucks. Victoria Fire and Rescue is a combination fire and emergency medical services (EMS) agency consisting of approximately 70 volunteer members and 15 full and part-time employees. Information regarding EMS services provided are listed in the section titled Emergency Medical Services. Operating expenses are funded by appropriations from Lunenburg County and both towns, donations, grants, fundraisers, and billing for EMS transports. The Victoria Fire and Rescue vehicle list includes:

• Pumper 1,000 GPM (2) • Tanker/Pumper 3,000 gallon/2,000 GPM • Tanker 1,200 gallon/400 GPM • Light Rescue/Brush 400 GPM • Brush 400 GPM • Heavy Rescue • Command Vehicle

Meherrin Fire and Rescue, an all-volunteer service consisting of 35 active members, is located off U.S Route 360 at 102 Moores Ordinary Road. General operating expenses are paid through County appropriations as well as grants and local fund raising. The Meherrin Fire Department has mutual agreements with other fire departments for use of equipment when needed. In the evening an EMT is on call. The Meherrin Fire and Rescue vehicle list includes:

• 1 pumper truck (engine) • 2 tankers • 1 brush truck • 1 support vehicle (pick-up)

• 1 utility vehicle (crash truck) • 2 advance life support ambulances

The Fire Departments in Lunenburg County have access to a regional firefighting training facility located in Blackstone. This facility is used for personnel training exercises. These Departments provide safety educational programs for the general public and inspect residences, businesses and industries for fire hazards. The 911 dispatchers are available 24 hours a day for emergency calls. All fire station facilities in the County have been designated for use as emergency shelters. During power outages, in times of a natural disaster or other emergency situation citizens are encouraged to use the designated shelters.

Emergency Medical Service Emergency Medical Service (EMS) is provided by five (5) agencies and response areas are designated in the EMS Emergency Response Plan. Victoria Fire and Rescue operates two (2) stations to provide EMS care to the Towns of Kenbridge and Victoria and a majority of Lunenburg County. Victoria Fire and Rescue Station 2, located at 1421 Main Street in Victoria, houses three

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(3) Advanced Life Support (ALS) equipped ambulances and is a combination service. Paid staff is normally on duty Monday through Friday from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM with staffing provided all other times by volunteer members. Station 7, located at 915 East 5th Avenue in Kenbridge, houses 2 Advanced Life Support (ALS) equipped ambulances and is also a combination service. Paid staff is normally on duty seven (7) days a week from midnight to 6:00 PM with staffing provided all other times by volunteer members. Meherrin Fire and Rescue operates two (2) Advanced Life Support (ALS) equipped ambulances and is a combination service comprised of paid and volunteer staff. In outlying areas of Lunenburg County EMS agencies from outside the county can provide more timely service to the citizens of the county. Southside Rescue Squad located in South Hill provides EMS coverage for the far southern areas of the county. Chase City Rescue Squad located in Chase City provides EMS coverage for the western areas of the county. Charlotte County Rescue Squad provides EMS coverage for the northwest corner of Lunenburg County. Air medical support for the area is primarily provided by MedFlight 1 (Virginia State Police), LifeEvac (VCU Health), and Centra 1 (Centra Hospital). There are other air medical agencies located throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia and northern North Carolina that are available for use if needed. There are two (2) lighted landing sites for air medical support in the county. The Haag Heliport is located on U.S. Route 360 in Meherrin and the Lunenburg County Airport is located on Route 40 between Kenbridge and Victoria. In the event there is a need to land an air medical resource closer to an incident an impromptu landing zone can be established. Healthcare Facilities There are physician’s offices located in Lunenburg County and the Towns of Kenbridge and Victoria. Services provided in the Town of Kenbridge are by Kenbridge Family Medicine located at 306 East 6th Avenue. Services provided in the Town of Victoria are by the Centra Medical Group in the Bridgforth Medical Building located at 1418 6th Street. Combined, Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria have three licensed dentists, two in the Town of Kenbridge and one in the County. There are two pharmacies in the county.

Lunenburg Medical Center Lunenburg Medical Center is located at 1508 K-V Road, Victoria, between the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria. The Lunenburg Medical Center, a division of Southern Dominion Health Systems, Inc., provides comprehensive medical care for the residents of Lunenburg County and some residents from the surrounding counties on an outpatient basis. Consisting of 10,000 square feet, the Lunenburg Medical Center contains a total of 13 exam rooms and 1 trauma room. The Medical Center provided the first pediatrician in the area. An on-call phone triage service is available during the hours the Medical Center is not open. This non-profit, federally qualified facility provides care to all life cycles – infancy through geriatrics. Lunenburg Medical Center has the following occupations providing Primary Medical Care and administration services in the facility: Physicians (2); Licensed Clinical Social Worker (1) Nurses (8); Nurse Practitioners (3) Dentist (1) Dentist Assistant (1) Dentist Hygienist (1); Executive Staff (5); Administrative/Records (8/2); Clinical Support Staff (7); X-Ray Tech (1); Maintenance (1).

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Services provided include acute care, primary care, pediatric care, GYN, Counseling/Mental Health services, preventive care, ancillary services, dental services, geriatric services, and management of chronic disease conditions, and functional assessments.

• Hours: By appointment and same day services welcomed • Service Area: Lunenburg County and surrounding areas • Insurance Accepted: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid • Income Level: All income levels accepted • Fees: Sliding scale available • Language: English, Spanish

Lunenburg Health Service, Inc. The Lunenburg Health Service Inc., located at 1428 6th Street, Victoria, is a private non-profit organization dedicated to serving the citizens of Lunenburg County without regard to race, creed, national or ethnic origin. Services include scheduled nursing care at home or in the clinic at the Health Service office and loan of hospital equipment for the ill or injured. Centra Southside Community Hospital Centra Southside Community Hospital, located in the Town of Farmville, has been a healthcare center of Southside Virginia since opening its doors as a non-profit hospital on November 9, 1927. The hospital serves the residents of Amelia, Appomattox, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward Counties. In 2006, Southside Community Hospital joined Centra Health, which is a not-for profit health system created in 1987 with the merger of Lynchburg General Hospital and Virginia Baptist Hospital. Centra Southside Community Hospital is a 116-bed full service acute care facility. The VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital – South Hill The VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital (VCU Health CMH), located at 1755 N Mecklenburg Ave, La Crosse, is a community owned nonprofit hospital that is dedicated to being the leader in health services for the south-central region of Virginia and portions of northern North Carolina. They offer quality, state-of-the-art healthcare in a convenient, friendly setting, a fact that is born out of high patient satisfaction scores. Since 1954, the hospital’s employees, physicians, volunteers and board of directors have worked to fulfill their mission of providing excellence in the delivery of health care. Today, VCU Health CMH has a new hospital with 70 private patient rooms and a long-term care facility with an additional 140 beds. VCU Health CMH provides a wide array of in-patient services, including acute care and long-term care along with many outpatient programs such as home health, hospice and many others. Since their inception, they have grown to be one of the area’s largest employers with more than 800 employees, 160+ volunteers and 177 providers, representing 26 medical specialties, on staff. Health Department The Lunenburg County Health Department, located in the Lunenburg County Courthouse Complex, serves Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

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Piedmont Geriatric Hospital Piedmont Geriatric Hospital, with a total bed capacity of 123, is an inpatient psychiatric facility, serving patients age 65 and over. The 300-acre, wooded campus is located in Nottoway County on U.S. Route 460 between Burkeville and Crewe. Patients present with a wide range of functional levels. Diagnoses including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety disorder as well as various forms and stages of dementia. Many patients also have physical illnesses and are concurrently receiving treatment for these conditions as well as for their mental disabilities. To receive any additional hospital services, their local Community Services Board must prescreen patients. Nursing Homes

There are no nursing homes located in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge or the Town of Victoria. The surrounding counties have nursing homes, assisted living facilities and residential homes that serve Lunenburg County and the Town of Kenbridge and Victoria.


Recreational opportunities in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria are provided on a regular basis through the schools, 4-H clubs, churches and various organizations. Recreational facilities include lighted ballparks, picnic areas, country clubs and a community building for skating, dancing and other activities. The great outdoors offers abundant hunting, fishing, canoeing, horseback riding, biking, skydiving, jogging, hiking and camping. The Meherrin River is a scenic waterway that offers canoeing and fishing. Lunenburg Lake and the Modest Creek reservoir offers some great fishing sites. Fishing is also available at Nottoway Falls. Each year in the towns, various organizations hold festivals and events for the public. The Town of Victoria hosts Autumn Days the second Saturday in October and Small Town Christmas the second Saturday in December. The Town of Kenbridge hosts July Jubilee on July 4th each year.

Lunenburg County offers youth sports including: Dixie Youth Baseball League, girls softball, youth football league, cheerleader league, Youth Basketball Association and Lunenburg Youth Futbol. Lunenburg Girls’ Softball which is associated with Dixie Softball District 1 of Virginia provides softball opportunities for girls of all ages. Additional sports activities are available through the school systems. The Town of Victoria operates a public swimming pool that is normally open from late May until mid-August depending on the school calendar. Lunenburg County is the home of the Arrowhead Gun Club, the largest in the state. This private organization is open to members and guests. Shooting facilities include 13 skeet fields, 2 trap shooting areas to include 5 stands, a 200-yard bench-rest rifle range with bench positions under roof, and a pistol range with firing lines up to 100 yards. Clubhouse facilities include a modern

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institutional class kitchen, as well as a banquet/dance hall with stage. Camper hookups with water and electricity are available at a nominal cost. The Club is located approximately midway between the Towns of Chase City and Victoria on Virginia State Route 49. The Club currently sponsors 3 NSSA/VSSA sanctioned shoots per year, the Virginia-Carolina Shoot in early spring, the Firecracker 400 Shoot in early summer, and the Elam Memorial Open in the late fall. Fun Shoots are offered during the summer months. The Town of Victoria has a Railroad History Park. The highlight and central focus of this community recreation area is Virginian Caboose No 342. The Caboose was completed and entered into service with the Virginian Railway in March 1959, where it remained until the mid-1980s, when it was stored serviceable at Princeton, West Virginia. The Town obtained this Caboose and brought it to its present location in December 2004, where visitors are able to view and enjoy a part of railroad history. In addition to this centerpiece, the Park incorporates playground facilities, a basketball court, the Tobacco Heritage Trail as well as picnic tables for the citizens. Civic Organizations The Lunenburg County Ministries (LCM) was formed in the late 1990s to coordinate and provide emergency assistance to families in Lunenburg County. The facility at 207 South Broad Street, Kenbridge, was renovated with donated materials and volunteer labor and dedicated in September 2001. Donations and two major fundraisers – The Walk-A-Thon in May and the Ushers Walk in September – provide financial support. The concept behind LCM was developed by several members of the Lunenburg Ministerial Association (LUMINA) to assist needy individuals in an efficient and equitable manner. The Peoples Community Center, a charitable organization (501c3) agency operated completely by volunteers and located on 6th Street relies solely on donations. The Center provides a Food Bank Pantry, distributing 250+ boxes of food monthly to those in need. The last Thursday of the month a Soup Kitchen Lunch is hosted with a guest speaker in attendance. The Center is used as a voting site; headquarters for the Child-Find program through the School Board; and a Summer Camp program for children from 9-16 years of age. Free clothing is provided for the needy through a “Clothes Closet”. An After-School program is in the developmental stages. The Victoria-Lunenburg Community Centre was established in the early 1940s. The Centre was constructed as a site for area citizens to meet and have fun. The Centre is approximately 6000 square feet and included the installation of the best possible flooring for purposes at that time. Skating has been provided ever since. The building has also been utilized as a meeting place for local civic organizations and clubs; as the gymnasium for Victoria High School; and high school and other dances. In addition to being the focal point for craft vendors at the annual Autumn Days Festival, the Salvation Army uses the facility as a distribution point for their Christmas for the needy as well as other events.

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Lunenburg Senior Citizens, Inc. was formed on October 16, 1975 exclusively as a charitable and educational organization to contribute to a better way of life and to promote general welfare, health, and education for the people and senior citizens of Lunenburg County by developing and operating senior citizen’s programs and facilities. The organization participates in federal, state, and local programs connected with senior citizen developments. Town of Victoria: The Town acquired the old Victoria High School, located at 1601 Eighth Street, in June 1994. The auditorium has an occupancy of 407. Additionally, there are eight classrooms with an approximate capacity of 25 each; the library room holds approximately 60. Although this building is no longer used as a school, it is used as a Cultural Center, Town Museum and concert hall. The auditorium is used for plays, concerts and other presentations. Other organizations: Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), American Legion, Salvation Army, Ruritans, Lions Club, Rotary Club, Lunenburg County Historical Society to name a few. Religious Facilities There are approximately 70 Protestant churches representing most major denominations in the county. Catholic churches are found in Meherrin and in the neighboring towns of Blackstone, Farmville and South Hill. The nearest Jewish synagogue is in Petersburg. Industrial Parks The Lunenburg/Kenbridge Commercentre, located within the Town of Kenbridge on the north side of State Route 40, consists of 104.6 acres. State Route 40 allows travel to connect with U.S. Routes 360 and 460. Kenbridge is located 18 miles west of U.S. Interstate Highway I-85 with direct access by State Highway 138. Lunenburg County and the Town of Kenbridge jointly own the Industrial Park. Approximately 33.7 acres located directly west of the Industrial Park is reserved for industrial or business expansion. In 1997, the County and Town completed the construction of a 60,000 square foot shell building on a 7-acre site within the Park. The shell building was constructed through the award of a 1996 Virginia Community Development Block Grant (VCDBG). Water service, sewer service, power through Dominion Energy and Southside Electric Cooperative, and communications through CenturyLink is available. The Lunenburg County/Town of Victoria Industrial Park is located in the Town of Victoria. Lunenburg County and the Town of Victoria jointly own the Industrial Park. The Industrial Park is comprised of three tracts of land: 58 acres, 28 acres, and 20 acres that have been designated for industrial development. Two of the tracts, the 58 acres and the 28 acres are contiguous. Water service, sewer service, power through Dominion Virginia Power, and communications through CenturyLink is available to the site.

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Telecommunications & Broadband Services Broadband is a wide bandwidth data transmission with an ability to simultaneously transport multiple signals and traffic types. Access to broadband has become essential for the social and economic benefits it provides to residents, businesses, governments and communities. Broadband is crucial for increased health, educational and economic opportunities, as well as for job and business creation and growth. Broadband can help close the digital divide between rural and urban communities. The unprecedented growth in telecommunications capacity and in telecommunications applications has changed the way all businesses function. Every new company, and every company that is relocating or expanding, wants to be located where they can access broadband services. Today, internet access is as essential as electricity. Mid-Atlantic Broadband Communities Corporation (MBC) provides carrier-class broadband connectivity and has over 430 on-net buildings and 130 connected cell towers. MBC’s network reaches all of the industrial, technology, and business parks in Southern Virginia. MBC has built over 1,800 route miles of fiber in Southern Virginia, including Lunenburg County, to bring competition and drive down costs to accelerate digital inclusiveness (see MBC coverage map on the following page). A node shelter is located within the Heartland Regional Industrial Park in neighboring Charlotte County. From that location, the network runs southeast on State Route 40 to the Lunenburg Courthouse Village. It continues east on State Route 40 to the Victoria Industrial Park. It then travels south on Tidewater Avenue in Victoria to where it runs back into State Route 40. It follows State Route 40 to the Lunenburg Commercentre in Kenbridge. The Town of Kenbridge also hosts a system node shelter at the Lunenburg Commercentre. The node shelter also includes a generator for backup purposes. Once in Kenbridge, the network continues down Commerce Street and connects back to State Route 40. It then continues north on State Route 40 toward the Town of Blackstone. The availability of MBC’s open-access fiber network in the County is an economic incentive to attract new businesses to locate in the County and Towns. MBC’s open-access business model ensures a competitive playing field for last-mile service providers, which means lower cost and greater value for Southern Virginia communities. Funding programs available to assist in “last mile” broadband connections such as: the Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission’s Last Mile Broadband Program; Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development’s, Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI); USDA Rural Development’s Telecommunications Loan and Grant Programs and other programs can assist in delivering service to rural area residents and businesses. One of the top priorities of the County and Towns is to support the availability of broadband access for its citizens and businesses.

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Mid-Atlantic Broadband Cooperative Fiber Routes

Lunenburg County (zoomed in)

Broader region (zoomed out)

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Shopping In both the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria small shopping centers exist to include grocery stores (Food Lion, Timmy’s Grocery, Vaughan’s Grocery, and Shoppers Value), hardware stores, general merchandise stores (Dollar General), and a Virginia ABC Store. Downtown shops include restaurants, florists, hardware, antique shops and a produce operation. Numerous gasoline stations are available throughout the County and the Towns. Banks include First Citizens (ATM), and Benchmark Community Bank. Benchmark Community Bank: According to local historians, the building was originally constructed in the early 1900s around the time the Town of Kenbridge was incorporated. The corner structure was the town’s first bank—the Bank of Lunenburg, not to be confused with Benchmark’s predecessor, the Lunenburg County Bank.

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Chapter IV

Land Use

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IV. Land Use

A. Land Use and Development Patterns Introduction The purpose of land use planning is to guide both the development and conservation of land. Ideally, new land uses can be built within the existing land use pattern with minimum conflict. Land use planning is a fundamental tool in determining where new businesses should locate, where housing should concentrate, and what infrastructure is needed to support residents’ needs. Current Land Use Lunenburg County encompasses 432.38 square miles (276,723 acres) with a density of 29.9 persons per square mile. Lunenburg is a rural county that is predominantly agricultural. According to the most recent U.S. Agricultural Census, there are 371 farms in Lunenburg County with a total acreage of 80,223. Lunenburg County has 245,543 acres of timberland, all privately owned (Forest Inventory Assessment Estimates; 2004). Most of the development and land subdivision in the County and Towns that has occurred to this point has been through general by-right development by obtaining a conditional/special use permit. Current land use in the County includes: Agricultural, Residential, Business, Industrial, and Commercial. The primary use of land in Lunenburg County is agricultural. In both towns, the primary use of

land is residential. In the Town of Kenbridge residential development is located primarily east and west of Broad Street and along both sides of Fifth Avenue on State Route 138. Residential development in the Town of Victoria is primarily northwest and southwest of State Route 49. For the most part, in the Towns of Kenbridge and Victoria, residential development is located on secondary roads. This location of development is favored as development on the primary roads, such as State Routes 40 and 49, contribute to dangerous and sometimes congested

traffic situations. The major commercial uses consist of a variety of business activities, such as service stations, restaurants, grocery stores, repair shops and others. In Lunenburg County, businesses are found mainly in the immediate vicinity of the Historic Courthouse Area on State Route 49. In the Town of Kenbridge the majority of businesses are located on State Route 40 in the downtown area. Business locations in the Town of Victoria are primarily in the downtown area on State Routes 49 and 40.

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Lunenburg County Current Land Use Map

Industrial use locations in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria are primarily in the Commercentre in Kenbridge, as well as on both sides of State Route 40 west of the Commercentre and additionally on the north side of Highway 137/138 east of Kenbridge; and the Victoria Industrial Park, west of State Route 49 in the Town of Victoria. Most of these locations are near the town lines to take advantage of the close proximity of community facilities and services. Major industries currently identified throughout the County and Towns include the following: ABC Recycling, Benchmark Community Bank, Fellowship Chair doing business as Comfort Tek, Global Refining Group, Golden Leaf Tobacco Company, Kenbridge Construction, Lignetics, Lunenburg Correctional Center, Parrish Trucking, Pennington Seed, STEPS, Inc., and Virginia Marble. Primary Growth Corridors These corridors follow the major traffic arteries through Lunenburg County and connect with the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria along State Routes 40 and 49. These corridors are often within the potential service areas for public utilities making them optimum areas for larger and more complex development. Where utilities are available or can be reasonably extended, the primary development corridors are the most favored potential locations for significant business, industrial and institutional development. Primary development corridors may also contain rail lines, further enhancing the potential for significant economic growth. The primary development

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corridors can also be appropriate areas of higher density residential development, including manufactured home parks/subdivisions, garden apartments and townhouses. With higher density housing, careful zoning should be applied to avoid incompatible adjacent land uses. Town Growth Areas Both the Towns of Victoria and Kenbridge are seen as the growth areas for the County of Lunenburg. Both Towns provide public utilities as well as concentrated business services such as grocery stores, restaurants, parks, etc.

Towns Current Land Use Map

Village Center Areas These are areas throughout the county, that while not incorporated areas, are seen as identified communities. Village Centers identified in the County are: Dundas, Fort Mitchell, Love’s Mill, Lunenburg Courthouse, Meherrin, Nutbush, Oral Oaks and Rehoboth.

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Enterprise Zones The Virginia Enterprise Zone (VEZ) program is a partnership between state and local government that encourages job creation and private investment. VEZ accomplishes this by designating Enterprise Zones throughout the state. The County and Towns identified Enterprise Zone includes parcels in both Towns and land along Route 40 that connects both Towns. The County and Towns also provide incentives for businesses that locate within the identified Opportunity Zones. To obtain the details of these provisions contact the County or Towns.

Lunenburg County Enterprise Zones

Industrial These are areas identified as industrial use which includes manufacturing, processing or reprocessing of raw materials. There are three identified Industrial areas in the County; two in Victoria and one in Kenbridge. Agricultural Areas These areas are foreseen as slow growth, low-density areas and are expected to remain primarily agricultural, forest and rural residential land uses. Residential densities are expected to continue to be generally very low. These areas may also contain a variety of agri-industry operations, small convenience retail and service businesses, and small manufacturing businesses. These areas are the best areas for natural, agricultural and forestall preservation opportunities. These areas are

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not generally appropriate for larger manufacturing business. These areas will continue to experience slow and random residential development. B. Future Land Use

The purpose of the future land use plan is to guide decision-makers in land use changes as they relate to amendment to the ordinances, new zoning district classifications, application for change of zoning, economic development, and other aspects of community planning. The future land use plan seeks a way to balance new growth and development, while maintaining rural character and viability in the County. It is anticipated that there will be no great change in the land use, as it currently exists. There are no developments on the horizon that would require a change in the existing zoning patterns. Therefore, no future land use map is included in the Joint Comprehensive Plan. The future land use plan does not specify in detailed terms exactly where individual features occur. The future land use plan is general in nature and describes in a physical configuration the more detailed goals, objectives and strategies articulated in the plan. When deemed appropriate by the county and the towns, more detailed locations and maps for future land use may be added to the Joint Comprehensive Plan. Zoning district boundaries need not exactly correspond to patterns of general categories of land use shown on the future land use plan. In addition, individual zoning district requirements do not have to exactly reflect the description of the land use categories contained herein. However, decisions relating to creation or amendment of zoning districts should take into consideration the future land use plan and should be compatible with or supportive of the goals and objectives of the Joint Comprehensive Plan and the land use descriptions contained in this element. The future land use plan is general in nature and can be used as a guide for establishing or amending zoning district designations. Consideration should be given by the County of Lunenburg to allow the Towns of Kenbridge and Victoria to zone within two miles of their corporate limits to allow for the proper planning and layout of water and sewer lines and other facilities. Secondary Development Corridor These areas are similar to the primary development corridors and are also extended through areas with the potential for public utility service. These corridors have access to shopping and economic opportunities available within Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria; therefore, they are acceptable areas for a wide variety of moderately complex medium-density developments. Where utilities are present or can be reasonably extended, these areas have development potential comparable to the potential in primary development corridors. However, high traffic generating land uses are less appropriate. Areas beyond the reach of public utilities still have acceptable development potential but are limited to smaller developments. Secondary development corridors are good areas for a wide range of land uses including housing subdivisions and small retail and service businesses. These corridors are not as appropriate for large industrial developments.

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Utility Service Area These areas are currently served by the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria public water and/or sewer service or are within a reasonable range for utility extensions from existing systems within the next twenty years. This category probably would not be an option for Lunenburg County as a whole, but only in those areas that are in close proximity to the Town of Kenbridge or the Town of Victoria. Primary highways also serve these areas. Given the numerous advantages of transportation and immediate access to the full range of public and private services that are concentrated in and near the Towns, these utility services areas are the optimum areas for economic and residential growth.

Infrastructure The critical infrastructure facilities needed for the Towns and County to function are as follows:

Lunenburg Disposal and Recycling Center Kenbridge Water Filtration Plant Kenbridge Wastewater Plant Victoria Water Filtration Plant Victoria East Wastewater Plant Victoria West Wastewater Plant Special Features All Counties and Towns have special features that make the community unique or special. The magnitude, quality and characteristics of special features vary considerably from community to community and nearly always contribute to the economic and social viability of the community. Also, such special features often have an important bearing on the future economic and social growth potential of the community. Special features in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria include:

Lunenburg County Lunenburg Historic Courthouse District Lunenburg County Health Department Lunenburg Correctional Facility Lunenburg County Municipal Airport Lunenburg Animal Shelter Lunenburg Medical Center Facilities Meherrin Volunteer Fire and Rescue Modest Creek Nottoway Falls (Town of Victoria Property)

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Town of Kenbridge

The Fifth Avenue Historic District, Kenbridge Kenbridge Fire Department Kenbridge EMS (Station 7) Ripberger Public Library Kenbridge Community Center Lunenburg Country Club Kenbridge Town Park Kenbridge Farmer’s Market Lunenburg Ministries

Town of Victoria

Victoria Railroad History Park Victoria Library Victoria Fire Department & Rescue Squad Victoria Country Club Victoria Town Pool Victoria High School Museum Lunenburg Lake Lunenburg Health Services DMV Select Location Roanoke River Rails to Trails

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Zoning The following Map reflects a generalized presentation of existing zoning within the county. Upon adoption of the Joint Comprehensive Plan the Planning Office will initiate a project to delineate an official zoning map, including zoning districts, conditional uses, special exceptions, site plan approvals, and approved variances for the county.

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Chapter V

Special Policy Areas

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V. Special Policy Areas

A. Introduction

This section of the Joint Comprehensive Plan presents information on a variety of community special policy areas that emerged during the plan development process. These special policy areas were highlighted from Working Committee discussions, community meetings, and citizen surveys/comments as well as the area’s demographic profile. In developing these special policy areas, it was the clear goal that this plan assists the County and the Towns in planning for future growth and development. It was also a goal that the Joint Comprehensive Plan contain specific information to assist and better guide month-to-month decision making on issues/requests such as rezoning and special permit requests to the Board of Supervisors and the Town Councils. For each policy area, a brief discussion is presented followed by specific recommendations to assist the County and Towns in decision making pertaining to the timing, location and character of future development in the area. The information contained in this section has provided the basis for some of the goals, objectives and strategies in the following section. Policy Area: Loss of Agricultural Land and Open Space As Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria experience residential, commercial and industrial growth, there will be pressure on the area’s open space, agricultural and forested areas to be developed for these uses. Population growth in the locality, increases in agricultural and forestal land values, the aging of agricultural landowners, the lack of planned growth areas, the lack of adequate development regulations and the high suitability of many agricultural and forestal lands for development can all be cited as some of the many factors that can contribute to the loss of open space resources. The existing land use maps show concentrations of rural development that have occurred primarily in the County. A challenge for the County and the Towns is to accommodate future growth demands in a planned manner that provides for the conservation of important resources. Future residential, commercial and industrial development should be encouraged to locate in areas where adequate public services are available or planned. Any development that does occur in the rural areas should be designed to incorporate significant open spaces and designed to minimize environmental impacts on the land and water resources. Any future growth and development patterns must provide both requirements and incentives for the conservation of land. Lots not served by public sewer and public water systems shall be not less than two acres in area and 200 feet in width, provided that greater area and/or width may be required if deemed necessary by the health official for the provision of on-site sewerage disposal or water supply systems. Environmental impacts of any newly planned development area should be considered. It is essential to maintain a balance between development and preservation objectives throughout the

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area. An educational and programmatic approach in conjunction with land conservation should be initiated to encourage property owners to limit development. Incentives can be offered for appropriate conservation and environmental design. Agricultural/Rural Preservation Tools Tools most commonly used to influence the timing and location of growth are zoning, subdivision standards, use value assessments and taxation, and public facility decisions. Other tools and programs available to agricultural and rural property owners who wish to take steps to preserve their land holdings generally involve a partnership between the landowner and a governmental agency. There are many agencies that provide voluntary programs. These agencies change from year to year and may or may not have funding. Recommendations: The Planning Commissions of Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria, the Board of Supervisors of Lunenburg County, the Town Council of Kenbridge, and the Town Council of Victoria, through the adoption of this Joint Comprehensive Plan, should state their commitment to agricultural and forestal land preservation objectives. Commercial and/or industrial developments that are approved in the rural portions of the County should be consistent with the best interest of the community. The County and Towns should research the preservation tools presented in this plan and be willing to provide information to property owners who wish to pursue a particular preservation strategy. County and Town zoning and subdivision ordinances should be revised to include provisions to require and/or allow for the use of cluster housing and other conservation design techniques. Local government should support the activities of local land trusts and other environmental organizations in their efforts to voluntarily preserve critical agricultural and open spaces in the area. Local government should work closely with the appropriate government agencies to ensure that private timbering operations in the County are undertaken using approved techniques in an environmentally sensitive manner. Policy Area: Protection of Water Resources Surface water sources in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria include: the Nottoway River and its tributaries—Cedar Creek, Nash Mill Creek, Seay Creek, Big Hounds Creek, Little Hounds Creek, Modest Creek, and Dry Creek—the South Meherrin River and the Meherrin River and their major tributaries—Stony Creek, Flat Rock Creek, North Meherrin River, Middle Meherrin River, Juniper Creek, and Lunenburg Lake. These water sources provide recreational opportunities and are a critical component of the County’s infrastructure and quality of life. As such, protection and enhancement of these water resources should be a primary object of the County and the Towns.

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Groundwater resources are extremely important for the residents of Lunenburg County, as most homes in the County utilize private wells for their water supply. The surface and groundwater resources outside of the Towns do not benefit from regulatory or programmatic protections designed to maintain or enhance their water quality. Thus, voluntary riparian easem*nt and buffer programs implemented along the streams and rivers can mitigate the impacts of agricultural and non-agricultural non-point source runoff. Similar benefits could be achieved from a regulatory approach that required more stringent erosion control measures, and site and land use standards designed to protect and enhance these water resources. Recommendations: The Planning Commissions of Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria should evaluate and recommend to the governing bodies zoning and subdivision standards that allow and/or encourage low impact development techniques as a tool to manage non-point source environmental pollutants associated with new development. Policy Area: General Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Revisions The current zoning and subdivision ordinances in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria are basic land planning tools that the localities can use to determine the location and character of future land uses within the County and Towns. Some areas of community concern that emerged during this comprehensive planning process include:

• Loss of agricultural and forestal lands to potential future development • Protection of the County’s and Towns’ surface and ground water resources

• Inadequate development standards pertaining to lighting, signage, vehicle access,

buffering, and subdivision lot layouts Recommendations: The Planning Commissions should prepare and recommend approval of revisions to the agricultural zoning districts. These revisions should be adopted for future growth. Research may determine that a further breakdown for the agricultural districts is warranted. Policy Area: Corridor Development There are three (3) main corridors (Virginia Route 40, Virginia Route 49, and Virginia Route 138) that serve Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town Victoria. These main corridors connect to U.S. Route 360, U.S. Route 460, and Interstate Route 85. Where road frontage development exists, it is primarily scattered residential and limited business use. These road corridors are critically important in two respects.

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First, as major points of access to the County and the Towns, it is essential that these roads maintain a high level of service. Future development along these roads should be planned and designed to ensure that the safety and capacity of these roads are maintained and managed. Second, as “gateways to the County and Towns” these roads create first impressions to visitors coming into the area. The views and character of development is visible from the roadways. Maintenance and enhancement of these gateways can be critical to the success of the economic development and marketing activities in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria. Recommendations: Evaluate and amend the County’s and Towns’ zoning and subdivision ordinances to ensure that uses allowed along these corridors are consistent with planned land uses. Evaluate and amend the access provisions in the County’s and Towns’ zoning and subdivision ordinances to ensure that new developments along these corridors are allowed adequate access and that unnecessary or dangerous access points are not permitted. Evaluate future rezoning and special permit requests along these corridors partially on the basis of proposed access plans and the traffic impacts resulting from the proposed use.

Policy Area: Village Center Areas Lunenburg County is a community of communities. In addition to the incorporated towns of Kenbridge and Victoria, there are a number of smaller unincorporated rural villages that are the center of rural life, and rural activities in the County. These communities are Dundas, Meherrin, Rehoboth, and Lunenburg Courthouse. Oral Oaks, Love’s Mill, Fort Mitchell, and Nutbush are recognized areas in the County. This list is not all inclusive of areas in the County. Zoning in these communities should allow and encourage land uses and development patterns and densities compatible with these village areas. Zoning should also allow and encourage the development of land uses that meet the rural service needs of local residents who reside in the community. Small scale commercial, personal service and office uses are appropriate land uses in these areas provided site design and architectural proposals respect the rural character of these village center areas. Recommendations: Interact with the various communities to identify appropriate village center areas and amend the County’s official zoning map to formally designate the limits of these areas. Ensure that the standards allow the County the ability to guide the character of development within village center areas, particularly with respect to signage, landscaping, building scale and parking lot design.

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Policy Area: Affordable Housing There is not an issue with affordable owned housing in Lunenburg County as well as the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria. However, there is an issue with availability of rental properties for all income levels. Development codes should be evaluated to determine if they place unnecessary and costly restrictions on future new housing developments. Similarly, the County’s and Towns’ zoning and subdivision ordinances should be evaluated to ensure that they allow and designate sufficient areas in the County and Towns for a full range of housing types. Allowing for planned developments that incorporate a mixture of residential types integrated with commercial and civic components can also encourage affordable housing. More aggressive approaches to the promotion of affordable housing are also available to localities. State and federal funding programs allow localities to partner with private development companies or local non-governmental organizations to develop land and construct housing. Public funds can be used to develop the necessary residential infrastructure. In exchange, the developer agrees to build more affordable units, and/or to limit the sales price of new units to a level that is affordable to lower income residents. Recommendations: Evaluate the need to possibly amend the zoning ordinance to ensure that it allows a full range of residential development options in areas of the County and Towns slated for future residential development. Amend, as appropriate, the zoning ordinance to provide incentives for the development of affordable housing. Allow higher densities in development areas where water and/or sewer are available. Explore grant opportunities for the development of affordable housing. Evaluate development standards and processes to ensure that they do not unnecessarily contribute to housing costs. Policy Area: Solar Facilities Solar Facilities are acres of raw farm land covered with solar panels which enable the owner of the solar facilities to capture sunlight, convert that sunlight into electrical energy and then sell that electricity to the utility company. Solar facilities are located in areas with availability of large tracts of land at low costs as well as available infrastructure (transmission lines) to support additional capacity. The existing land use of Lunenburg County could make the county’s open areas an option for Solar Facilities. The County and the Towns should consider the development of alternative energy production while protecting agriculture, forestry lands and watersheds that the county enjoys.

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Alternative energy production may be considered by the County and Towns as an attraction to expand employment opportunities and for companies interested in supporting solar development in communities where they are located.

Recommendations: The County and Town Planning Commissions should consider safe development of solar energy that minimizes impacts to land uses, properties, and the environment, particularly for economic development purposes. They should develop reasonable conditions for the development of Solar Facilities which will protect the character of surrounding properties and will not limit future property development. Any County or Town planning measures which address Solar Facilities siting should also have an effective decommissioning plan developed and funded by the Solar developer before installation.

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Chapter VI

Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

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VI. Goals, Objectives, and Strategies A. Introduction

The development of goals, objectives and strategies is necessary to produce a coordinated and consistent set of guidelines for future decision making. The following goals, objectives, and strategies should be considered guidelines toward plan implementation for the future development of Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria. They are intended to be flexible guidelines for management purposes.

A goal is a general statement signifying what the County and Towns intend to accomplish over a long period of time. For community planning, this period of time is normally twenty years. Goals are determined after the issues facing a community are identified.

Objectives are more specific statements of measurable steps that can be taken toward achieving a goal and are typically viewed as being applied over a much shorter time period—say, one to five years.

A strategy is a definite course of action chosen from alternatives to guide present and future decisions in the accomplishment of objectives. Strategies should be considered as guidelines for the future, which may be changed and updated as circ*mstances warrant. New strategies could, and should, be added whenever the need becomes apparent that the direction of the County and Towns is changing.

The driving force toward goal accomplishment will be the political bodies of Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria. It is imperative that the Lunenburg Board of Supervisors, the Lunenburg Planning Commission, the Kenbridge Town Council, the Kenbridge Planning Commission, the Victoria Town Council and the Victoria Planning Commission remain aware of issues relating to safety, homeland security, job creation and retention, the encouragement of youth to remain in the locality, retirement goals for senior citizens, awareness of technology and its implementation, and other ongoing issues as they surface.

The goals and objectives listed in this section are based on the needs and desires of the County and Towns as determined in the inventory and analysis sections and citizens ideas expressed in written opinion surveys and at public meetings. Adopted goals and objectives are intended to be flexible guides for the management of the County and the Towns. All parties need to consider how their actions will impact the surrounding areas, both immediately adjacent to the Towns and the County as a whole.

B. Economy and Employment

GOAL: Promote the expansion of a diversified economy. Objective 1: Encourage quality industries to locate within the County and Towns.

Strategy 1: Maintain and promote the County and Towns’ industrial parks.

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Strategy 2: Work with interest groups to attract new industries to the locality. Encourage industries to locate in the industrial parks or in areas where they are compatible to adjacent uses.

Strategy 3: Promote new investment and commercial development in downtown Kenbridge and Victoria and other commercial areas.

Strategy 4: County Government, and other parties, to promote the area to environmentally friendly industries.

Objective 2: Provide adequate land and resources for commercial and industrial uses.

Strategy 1: Maintain and promote the County and Towns’ industrial parks. Strategy 2: Encourage the rehabilitation and use of existing vacant structures for commercial use as an alternative to building new structures.

Strategy 3: Support beautification and improvement programs in the downtown areas, such as general cleanup, joint advertising efforts, removal of unsightly outside advertisem*nts and sign improvements in order to provide stable and attractive commercial locations.

Strategy 4: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grant and incentive programs in economic development endeavors.

Strategy 5: Guide community and industrial uses into areas with adequate public utilities and transportation access.

Objective 3: Improve employment opportunities for all residents; capitalize on technology as a means to create high-paying, sustainable jobs.

Strategy 1: Liaise with local colleges/universities to encourage job training and educational opportunities, to include a workforce development center.

Strategy 2: Encourage the retention and expansion of existing businesses and industries.

GOAL: Encourage and promote tourism.

Objective 1: Develop, enhance and promote activities and attractions that will better utilize the tourism potential of the County and Towns.

Strategy 1: Develop and promote new facilities while continuing to enhance and promote existing attractions.

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Strategy 2: Work to further advance information disbursem*nt of the local historic areas, as well as locations of stops on educational and Civil War trails. Strategy 3: Develop and implement a Tourism Strategic Plan.

C. Land Use GOAL: Promote a balance of land uses that meet economic and demographic needs of Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

Objective 1: Provide land areas for orderly and efficient growth.

Strategy 1: Update County and Towns existing zoning regulations to designate areas best suited for residential, commercial, industrial, and other types of uses. Strategy 2: Adopt zoning regulations designed to prevent disorderly development and guide desired growth.

Objective 2: Retain the single-family character of the County of Lunenburg, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria while providing a variety of residential uses.

Strategy 1: Promote single-family development in those areas designated as low-density in the Towns of Kenbridge and Victoria.

Strategy 2: Encourage multi-family uses in designated medium density areas where access to major streets and community services and utilities are available.

Strategy 3: Buffer residential uses from commercial and industrial uses.

Strategy 4: Encourage commercial uses inside the downtown areas of the Towns, or on the main thoroughfares in the Towns.

Objective 3: Provide for stable and attractive downtown areas that meet the needs of the communities.

Strategy 1: Promote new investment and commercial development in downtown areas of the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

Strategy 2: Support beautification and improvement programs in the downtown areas, such as general cleanup, joint advertising efforts, removal of unsightly outside advertisem*nts and sign improvements to provide stable and attractive commercial locations.

Strategy 3: Study the downtown business districts to determine what improvements are needed, such as adding parking, benches and repairing buildings. This will make the downtown business district a more attractive and appealing location for shoppers.

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Strategy 4: Encourage the placement of utilities in commercial areas either underground or along rear alleys.

Strategy 5: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

Objective 4: Encourage quality industries to locate within the County and Towns.

Strategy 1: Encourage industries to locate in the County and Towns’ industrial parks or in areas where they are compatible to adjacent uses.

Strategy 2: Guide community and industrial uses into areas with adequate public utilities and transportation access.

Strategy 3: Work with interest groups to attract new industries to the locality. Encourage industries to locate in the industrial parks or in areas where they are compatible to adjacent uses.

Strategy 4: Liaise with the Chamber of Commerce, and other parties, to promote the area to environmentally friendly industries.

Strategy 5: Promote new investment and commercial development in downtown

Kenbridge and Victoria and other commercial areas.

Objective 5: Preserve historical sites in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

Strategy 1: Identify all sites worthy of historical preservation. Strategy 2: Encourage historical sites worthy of preservation be designated on the National Register for Historical Places to allow tax breaks for developers and property owners.

Strategy 3: Seek appropriate use of vacant buildings. Strategy 4: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs in historical preservation.

Objective 6: Promote a clean-living environment.

Strategy 1: Eliminate litter in the County and Towns through enforcement and clean-up efforts.

Strategy 2: Work with the Chamber of Commerce to promote the area to environmentally friendly industries.

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D. Housing GOAL: Preserve the integrity of residential neighborhoods and encourage an adequate supply of good quality, affordable housing for all residents.

Objective 1: Encourage the rehabilitation of dilapidated housing; discourage housing neglect.

Strategy 1: Draft/adopt and enforce more stringent codes to address dilapidated housing and unsightly conditions.

Strategy 2: Provide incentives (tax breaks, etc.) for property owners to repair substandard houses in the Towns of Kenbridge and Victoria. Strategy 3: Encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

Objective 2: Maintain suitable housing and improve substandard housing.

Strategy 1: Prepare and maintain a detailed inventory of housing types and conditions.

Strategy 2: Encourage the rehabilitation of deteriorated housing.

Strategy 3: Encourage that abandoned or dilapidated housing be dismantled.

Strategy 4: Ensure the building code is enforced to prevent unsafe or below standard structures from being built.

Strategy 5: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

Objective 3: Promote the provision of adequate housing for low-income and elderly persons.

Strategy 1: Work with local, state and federal agencies to identify and obtain technical assistance and funding for housing activities.

Strategy 2: Encourage developers to construct new housing units to replace those unfit for human habitation.

Strategy 3: Restrict the encroachment of incompatible activities and uses or other

blighting influences in residential neighborhoods.

Strategy 4: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

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E. Transportation GOAL: Strengthen and expand public transportation.

Objective 1: Improve access to public buses.

Strategy 1: Consider adding more routes, schedules and stops for the Town and

County Bus System. Strategy 2: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

Objective 2: Promote and enhance public transportation for groups that need such services.

Strategy 1: Assist local charitable and social service agencies to provide and/or improve transportation services for the elderly and handicapped. Strategy 2: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

GOAL: Improve traffic flow; provide better movement of vehicles through Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

Objective 1: Provide alternate routes through the Towns with better traffic control.

Strategy 1: Implement alternative traffic patterns, including new streets that are designed so through traffic will bypass present or future residential areas.

Strategy 2: Reprogram traffic signals where appropriate.

Strategy 3: Ensure ongoing studies of traffic and intersections; make recommendations for improving traffic flow and safety for the protection of residential areas.

Strategy 4: Encourage adequate off-street parking facilities for all new business and industry. Strategy 5: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

GOAL: Provide a safe and adequate transportation system for the movement of people, goods and services within the County and Towns.

Objective 1: Provide and maintain adequate vehicular and pedestrian facilities.

Strategy 1: Work with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to identify needed secondary road improvements for the County and Towns as part of the Six Year Highway Improvement Plan.

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Strategy 2: Encourage that new streets are designed so through traffic will bypass present or future residential areas.

Strategy 3: Encourage off-street parking facilities for all new business and industry.

Strategy 4: Maintain, through VDOT, sidewalks, curbs and gutters throughout the Towns, assuring that they meet ADA requirements. Replace sidewalks, curbs and gutters that do not meet those guidelines.

Strategy 5: Maximize citizen participation in planning for transportation activities. Strategy 6: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

Objective 2: Promote alternative forms of transportation other than private automobile.

Strategy 1: Encourage ride sharing, bussing and van pooling. Strategy 2: Assist local charitable and social service agencies to provide transportation services for the elderly and handicapped.

Strategy 3: Promote the growth of the Lunenburg County Airport to expand general aviation usage and potential.

Strategy 4: Encourage the development and use of pedestrian/bike/ equestrian paths in the County and Towns. Seek grant funds for such projects.

Strategy 5: Adopt by reference, as part of this Joint Comprehensive Plan, the 2010 CRC Regional Bicycle Plan (adopted by Lunenburg County in September 2018; by the Town of Kenbridge in July 2018; and, by the Town of Victoria in September 2018), specifically those portions that relate to bicycle routes within the County and Towns limits. Strategy 6: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

Objective 3: Encourage the development of the maximum potential of the Lunenburg County Airport.

Strategy 1: Pursue improvements including: the extension of runways from 3,000 to 4,000 feet in length to accommodate larger aircraft; the construction of parallel taxiways to runways, improvements to the apron to accommodate heavier aircraft; the addition of more hanger space to accommodate more aircraft; and, the development of emergency generators to serve the airport in times of power outage.

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Strategy 2: Seek grant funding from the Virginia Department of Aviation and the Federal Aviation Administration for needed airport improvements.

Strategy 3: Encourage the development of public infrastructure (water, sewer, telecommunications, electrical power, etc.) serving the Airport and surrounding grounds. Strategy 4: Encourage the improvement of road facilities from major points of origin to the Airport (Town of Kenbridge, Town of Victoria, Lunenburg Courthouse area, and points beyond).

Strategy 5: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

Strategy 6: Marketing and promotion strategies will target existing and future businesses at the airport.

F. Natural Resources GOAL: Protect and preserve the natural resources of the community.

Objective 1: Prevent development in areas of critical environmental importance.

Strategy 1: Restrict development in flood plains, swamps and drainage ways.

Strategy 2: Restrict development on soils that will not adequately support structures.

Strategy 3: Determine where improvements are needed to the storm water drainage structures.

Strategy 4: Identify and protect all open spaces which have recreational potential or which would enhance the environment in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

Strategy 5: Promote the preservation and planting of trees, shrubs and other natural foliage.

Strategy 6: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

GOAL: Ensure residents have adequate recreational opportunities.

Objective 1: Encourage recreational opportunities for County and Town residents.

Strategy 1: Develop recreational facilities appropriate for and accessible to all citizens.

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Strategy 2: Encourage participation and continuance of County and Town functions and activities. Strategy 3: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

GOAL: Provide more activities for youth and teens.

Objective 1: Establish an indoor facility for youths and teens to use for recreational events.

Strategy 1: Locate space and secure funding for an indoor youth/teen facility. Strategy 2: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

GOAL: Provide activities for senior citizens. Objective 1: Establish a recreational facility for senior citizens.

Strategy 1: Locate space and secure funding for an indoor senior citizen facility.

Strategy 2: Liaise with local medical facilities, the Lunenburg County Health Department, and local community centers to develop activity centers. Strategy 3: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

GOAL: Utilize the Nottoway River and the Meherrin River as a venue for recreational use, while protecting the watersheds.

Objective 1: Provide recreational opportunities related to the rivers for residents and visitors. Encourage efforts to preserve the rivers’ habitat.

Strategy 1: Work with interested groups to develop and implement programs and activities such as tree plantings, river cleanups, and educational forums.

Strategy 2: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

G. Community Facilities and Services GOAL: Provide community facilities and services consistent with citizen needs and orderly development.

Objective 1: Provide for the adequate, safe supply and distribution of public water.

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Strategy 1: Require all new development in areas served by public water systems to be connected to that system.

Strategy 2: Require the user pay the cost of water line installations outside the Town Corporate limits.

Strategy 3: Work with interested parties to develop and access new sources of water to supplement the water systems and to provide emergency water during times of drought. Strategy 4: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

Objective 2: Provide for the adequate sewage collection and treatment for the Towns.

Strategy 1: Require all new development in areas served by public wastewater systems to be connected to that system.

Strategy 2: Reduce water infiltration by relining manholes and by replacing or repairing inadequate sewer lines.

Strategy 3: Require the costs of sewer system expansion within a development be borne by the developer. Strategy 4: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

Objective 3: Provide an adequate system of storm water drainage.

Strategy 1: Future development must comply with State Storm Water Regulations.

H. Emergency Services/Health Care

GOAL: Ensure the continued availability of emergency and health care services to Lunenburg County, Town of Kenbridge and Town of Victoria residents.

Objective 1: Maintain the existing high caliber of public safety services in Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria.

Strategy 1: Continue to provide police protection. Strategy 2: Provide and maintain law enforcement patrol vehicles.

Strategy 3: Continue to provide financial support to the Emergency Medical Services located in Kenbridge, Victoria and Meherrin.

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Strategy 4: Maintain an Emergency Operations Plan and adopt by reference as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan.

Strategy 5: Continue to provide strong financial support to the fire departments located in Kenbridge, Victoria and Meherrin. Strategy 6: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs through FEMA and Homeland Security.

Objective 2: Require local law enforcement to ensure that their personnel are trained to current standards.

Strategy 1: Support the Lunenburg County Sheriff Department, the Town of Kenbridge Police Department and the Town of Victoria Police Department financially, by policy and other means, to ensure that policies, equipment and training remain up-to-date. Strategy 2: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs in the criminal justice system and Homeland Security.

GOAL: Support the Lunenburg County Health Center as a regional hub for health care for local residents as well as the several privately owned medical facilities located within the Towns of Kenbridge and Victoria.

Objective 1: Develop and promote new programs especially for the medically underserved.

Strategy 1: Develop and implement Health Programs (Dental, etc.) for the middle-and low-income senior citizens in the surrounding community. Strategy 2: Develop and implement Health Programs (Dental, etc.) for the middle-and low-income children and adolescents in the surrounding community.

Objective 2: Assist in promoting the Lunenburg County Health Services and the programs and services it provides to the County, the Towns and the surrounding community.

Strategy 1: Work with the Lunenburg County Health Services Board and management to develop and implement public awareness programs. Strategy 2: Research, determine suitability and encourage the use of all available State and Federal grants and incentive programs.

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I. Education/Workforce Training GOAL: Ensure residents have access to an educational system that will provide quality employment opportunities, training for advanced education, career technical education, and continuing intellectual growth and development for all segments and age groups of the population.

Objective 1: Improve employment opportunities for residents through workforce training. Strategy 1: Work with local colleges/universities to encourage job training and educational opportunities, including a Workforce Development Center.

Objective 2: Ensure that school children have access to quality school facilities that are safe and enhance learning.

Strategy 1: Develop educational programs to ensure optimal results for school children to have the best possible learning opportunities.

Strategy 2: Support and promote, when possible and feasible, educational, cultural, and other programs sponsored by organizations in the area.

J. Other GOAL: Promote the general safety of the County and Towns and their residents, and protect against unforeseen hazards, through preventive measures.

Objective 1: Reduce the effects of natural disasters on the community through the use of cost-effective structural projects, increased public awareness and education, improved data available to local officials, and other measures, where appropriate.

Strategy 1: Adopt by reference, as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan, the CRC Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan (adopted by Resolution: Lunenburg County, February 8, 2018; Town of Kenbridge, January 16, 2018; Town of Victoria, February 14, 2018), specifically, those portions that affect Lunenburg County, the Town of Kenbridge and the Town of Victoria (directly or indirectly).

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A. Implementation: The following chart should be utilized to track goals as they are implemented.

Goal Area Description Time Frame Responsible Party

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Chapter VII

Capital Improvement Program

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VII. Capital Improvement Program A. Introduction

Among the more visible and obvious functions of local government is the building and maintaining of public facilities. Public facilities planning and policies are tied to a capital improvement program (CIP) process in many communities. The CIP is the detailed plan for capital (major investment) expenditures for construction, maintenance, improvement, and replacement of a community’s physical system. It is the link between the comprehensive plan and the local budget process. Examples of capital improvement projects include:

• Construction of a new sewage treatment plant; • Installation of a new water tower; • Acquisition of land and construction of a new regional park; • Construction of a major new boulevard or other important road; • Construction of a new fire station; • Widening and upgrading of an existing major road; and • Expansion of a public library.

Cost-benefit analysis is the classic decision-making method used for the Capital Improvement Program. Cost-benefit analysis is rooted in economic concepts of efficiency, evolving from a philosophy known as utilitarianism. The underlying notion of utilitarianism is that, with given resources, society ought to try to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

To achieve the cost-benefit ratio, economic costs of a particular project are weighed against its benefits and then compared to competing projects. Computation factors need not always be dollars—they may be households or reduced driving time—but are always quantifiable factors. For example, if a community can either expand an existing library to serve 500 new users or build a new soccer field that will serve 200 players and their families, for the same amount of money, the governing body can use that data to choose between the projects. One of these projects may be on the south side of town; the other on the east. Often the geographical balancing of investments within the community becomes the dominant element in the CIP process. An important role in this process can be to ensure that the equity issues are at least considered in the budgeting process.

The capital improvements program process can be an important means of linking the Comprehensive Plan to an important implementation tool. Comprehensive Plans contain goals, objectives and strategies. The CIP is a tool through which a local government should show its plan for capital improvements. Ideally, capital improvements are based on the CIP and the CIP is based on the comprehensive plan.

An effective CIP includes a physical plan that (1) shows how projects to be built in a particular year relate to those built in other years, (2) shows the geographic relationship among investments in different infrastructure (schools, roads, sewer, water, parks), and (3) relates directly to the future land use element of the comprehensive plan. Ranking of projects need not be based entirely on the Comprehensive Plan—improvements needed to address public health and safety issues often must take priority over other projects—but the CIP should show how it all fits together and how even the public health and safety improvements also relate to the Comprehensive Plan.

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A Capital Improvement Program typically includes two to four different levels of projects:

• Those projects to be built this year and thus to be included in the current budget; • Other projects to be built from currently available funding (usually a multi-year grant

from a state or federal agency, or a bond issue); • Projects planned to be built over the next four or five years if current projections of tax

revenues and other expenditures are accurate, but subject to adjustment through the annual budgeting process; and

• Projects that are a priority for the community but for which no specific source of funding has been identified or which the community probably cannot afford within five years.

Because the CIP is both a budget and a planning document, it is typically adopted either as part of the regular budget process of the community or in a separate capital budget process. Although the typical local government budget covers only one year, the capital improvements program usually covers a longer period, often as much as five years.

This longer period of time for a CIP is because some projects require longer to complete than one year; some projects require more funding than the local government can afford in a particular year; and, the longer time frame allows the community to build projects in logical sequence, perhaps acquiring the land for a park in one year and beginning to improve it in the next year. Additionally, the longer time horizon addresses some of the political issues inherent in the capital improvements programming process; for example, governing body members can assure the neighborhood group that will receive no benefits this year that their new park is included in the CIP three years from now.

Because they extend over a long time, CIPs require scheduling and coordination. Some projects will take more funding in the early stages of development and construction while others will take more capital as the project nears completion. Coordinating different projects requires a cost estimate for each project so these costs can be budgeted for the life of the project. Good cost estimates might make the difference in a project being accepted or rejected.

Ideally, selection of projects for a CIP is based on the Comprehensive Plan. In addition, to that, there are often political and policy issues involved in the selection process. It is necessary to set priorities within the CIP.

Local governments have established criteria for evaluating capital improvement program requests. Typical criteria address the following issues:

• Risk to the public health and safety. Projects to correct serious risks are almost always at the top of the list. A project in this category typically addresses a clear and immediate risk to the public health and safety. For example, if after a heavy rainstorm part of a street is washed out, the condition of the road is an issue of public safety.

• Completion of approved projects. A major public building, a sewage or water treatment plant, or even a large park or highway interchange is likely to require funding from the capital budget for several years. Once a project is begun, finishing it becomes a very high priority.

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• Linkage to approved projects. Some projects become a high priority simply because

they are linked to another high-priority project. For example, if a community decided to build a new hospital and the road leading to the project is being widened and improved, it would be efficient and less costly to schedule the sewer project to coincide with the street reconstruction so that the street is under repair for a shorter period of time.

• Equitable provision of facilities. Sometimes investment is necessary to ensure that

facilities or services are built or established for neighborhoods or groups that are underserved in comparison to the rest of the community. Or groups with special needs, such as the elderly, deserve special facilities or services.

• Scheduling of systematic replacement. Equipment and facilities need to be replaced or

upgraded periodically. For example, improvements in telecommunications help emergency response teams, such as ambulance crews, do their jobs even when storms have torn down utility lines.

• Maintaining deteriorating facilities. Equipment and facilities deteriorate, so

communities have to plan for reconstruction, replacement, or extensive upgrading to avoid or postpone replacement. For example, it might be less expensive to outfit an existing ambulance with new life-saving technology than to replace the ambulance with a new one to gain the needed technology.

• Improvement of efficiency. With new advances in technology, it may be possible to

extend the life of an existing facility rather than replace the facility. For example, rather than build a whole new sewer treatment plant, it might be possible to expand the existing facility to meet projected demands on the system.

• Addition of new facilities or equipment. Sometimes this is a conscious decision, such as

building a new arena downtown to help redevelop the downtown while providing a facility to keep the team in town. Other times it might represent elusive opportunities, such as a hockey team negotiating to move to a community if the community will provide a new arena that will seat twice as many people as the existing arena.

• Protection and conservation of resources. Projects might be built to protect the

environment; for example, sewer and water lines might be extended to developments not on existing systems to protect the groundwater. Rehabilitation or upgrading might be necessary because existing facilities are at capacity. This is fairly common, particularly in areas experiencing rapid growth.

• Encouragement of economic activity and increase in job opportunities. Often

communities need to encourage economic activity, especially to increase the existing tax base. For example, a major plant might be willing to come to the community if the community will provide the enlarged sewer and water lines necessary for its product production.

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The above are merely examples of criteria used by communities to assist in ranking and selecting projects. Although some of these criteria are common to most CIP selection processes, each community must develop its own list. There is rarely enough money in any capital budget to carry out all planned projects. Thus, even within projects included in the CIP, it is necessary to set priorities.

Most governments do not have adequate annual tax revenues to finance all their public facilities projects. However, for many communities, current revenues finance a significant portion of CIPs. When communities use current revenues to fund projects, those funds are often accumulated in a reserve account until there are sufficient funds available to carry out a project.

Sometimes local governments have a “wish list” of capital projects that they want to build, but that are not high priorities for the use of local money. Government agencies often seek grants from federal, state, or private sources to pay for such projects. Expansions to zoos, extensions of greenway trails, fountains, public art, and other amenities are the types of projects that local governments may keep on such a wish list. Although the wish list is typically a part of the capital budget, the items on it may carry a very low priority for local funding unless a particular grant proposal is approved.

Investments in public facilities guide growth and otherwise define the future of a community. They determine which areas can grow easily and which will not. They influence which neighborhoods thrive and which wither. In many ways, they define the quality of life. They are probably the most important long-range decisions made by most local governments. If a local government follows its Comprehensive Plan in developing a CIP and follows the CIP in investing in public facilities, many of the goals of the Comprehensive Plan are likely to be realized. If a local government ignores its Comprehensive Plan as it spends its own money, the community can hardly expect that others will follow the Plan or that the Plan itself will much influence the future of the community.

Lunenburg County

• Water and sewer line extension between Victoria and Kenbridge.

Engineer estimates the water line extension at a cost of $2.8 million. Cost figures to extend the sewer line to be determined.

• Replacement of Roof and Metal Sheeting at Tax Office Cost estimate is $25,000.

• Painting of Courthouse properties (inside 2021, outside 2024) Cost estimate is $64,800.

• Paving Airport Runway (FY2020)

Cost estimate is $1.1 million.

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• Paving Courthouse parking lot Cost estimate is $95,000.

• Improvements at Circuit Court Clerk's Office Cost estimate is $10,000.

• Carpet/Furniture in Human Resources Building and Tax Office Cost estimate is $18,000.

Town of Kenbridge

• Extend sewer lines in South Broad Street annexed area.

Cost estimate is $2.3 million.

• Expand and provide recreational facilities for all citizens.

No cost figures available.

• Reline old sewer lines throughout many areas in town.

No cost figures available.

• Develop and operate a Workforce Training Center at the Kenbridge Community Center.

No cost figures available.

Town of Victoria

• Upgrade the West Wastewater Treatment Plant Bulrush Rock Filter System: The Town’s

engineering firm is assessing either rebuilding the present system or replacing it with a completely different type of system.

A cost analysis will begin after a determination of which system will be implemented.

• The Town would like to increase the number of railroad car memorabilia in the park as well

as adding more playground area and equipment. The scope of this project has yet to be determined.

No cost figures are available.

• Generators for all sewage pump stations.

No cost figures are available.

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• Replace/upgrade water distribution system throughout the town.

No cost figures available.

• Replace/reline sewer lines throughout the town.

No cost figures available.

• Upgrade water meters to automated meter reading system.

Estimated total project cost is $250,000

• Renovate/replace public works shop and storage area.

No cost figures available.

Photos by: ShutterBatte Photography · Photos by: ShutterBatte Photography . Lunenburg/Kenbridge/Victoria Joint Comprehensive Plan 2019-2024 _____ LUNENBURG COUNTY/TOWN OF KENBRIDGE/TOWN - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.